Chapter 25

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 Lincoln turned to look at me, his eyes reflecting a mix of respect and concern. "Kegan, it's too risky. Let me—"

I cut him off, my resolve firm. "Lincoln, you're the best tracker we have. If something happens to you, we lose our best chance of finding him. I can do this," I insisted, feeling a strange sense of clarity amidst the danger.

Lexa, who had been silently assessing the situation, spoke up. "Kegan's right. Lincoln, we need your skills to track the sniper once we locate his position. Kegan, are you sure about this?"

I nodded, the adrenaline coursing through me providing a temporary shield against fear. "I'm sure. We need to draw him out."

We quickly devised a plan. I would move from our cover, making myself a target to reveal the sniper's position. Lincoln would stay back, using his tracking skills to pinpoint the shooter's location once he revealed himself. Lexa would provide cover and be ready to act once we had a better idea of where the sniper was. Taking a deep breath, I prepared myself for what was to come. My heart pounded in my chest, each beat a reminder of the danger of the next few moments. I glanced at Lincoln and Lexa, their faces set in grim determination, a silent promise of support and action. With one last look at my companions, I steeled myself and prepared to step out from behind the rock, into the line of fire, into the unknown.

With a surge of adrenaline, I stood up abruptly from behind the rock, my gun firmly in hand. Without hesitation, I started firing in the direction of the sniper's last known location, each shot ringing out loud and clear in the morning air. The noise and movement were designed to draw the sniper's attention, to create an opening for Lincoln.

Lincoln, seizing the opportunity, sprinted with remarkable speed and agility towards the sniper's position. His movements were swift and precise, a testament to his skills honed in survival and combat.

The sniper, momentarily distracted by my gunfire, emerged from his hidden spot, trying to locate the source of the threat. That was when Lincoln pounced, catching the sniper off guard. With a swift, powerful move, he tackled the sniper to the ground, knocking the gun out of his hand in a cloud of dust and leaves.

For a moment, it seemed Lincoln had the upper hand, but the sniper was quick to react. He pulled out a Reaper stick, a sinister-looking device, and in a swift motion, he had a knife pressed against Lincoln's throat. The sudden turn of events brought a tense standoff, the forest around us eerily silent, save for our heavy breathing. Reacting instantly, I rose from my cover and aimed my gun directly at the sniper. My heart pounded in my chest, my finger on the trigger, ready to act. The situation was precarious; one wrong move could mean disaster.

"Let him go!" I shouted, my voice steady despite the pounding of my heart. The sniper's eyes darted between me and Lincoln, calculating his chances in this sudden turn of events.

Lincoln, his eyes locked on mine, remained motionless, his training keeping him calm despite the knife at his throat. The tension was palpable, a delicate balance that could tip with the slightest movement. The forest seemed to hold its breath, waiting for what would happen next. In that moment, everything hinged on the sniper's decision, on my reaction, and on the slim hope that we could end this standoff without further bloodshed.

The sniper's voice was a low, menacing growl, breaking the tense silence. "Drop your weapon," he demanded, his grip on the knife tightening.

Lincoln, with the blade still pressed against his throat, turned his gaze towards me, his expression calm despite the danger. "Just let him kill me, then take him out," he said, his voice steady. "Kegan, please. Your people need you."

His words struck a chord within me. Looking at Lincoln, a trusted ally and friend, I realized the depth of our connection. "You are my people," I responded firmly, my decision made in that instant.

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