Chapter 8

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Bellamy's frustration was evident as he questioned me about the plan to infiltrate Mount Weather. "It's a Labyrinth, we got to the dam through this tunnel. It's all connected to the mine system, that's our way in," I explained again, trying to make him see the intricacies of the plan that I had pieced together.

His concerns about the Reapers and the Mountain Men were valid. "Are you sure we can get past the Reapers and the Mountain Men? I swear to god, if your mom doesn't sanction this mission soon I'm going by myself," he mumbled, his impatience growing.

"She's not my mom. You won't be by yourself. I can promise you that," I replied, ensuring him of my commitment to the mission, regardless of Abby's approval.

As I took another swig from my glass, my eyes inadvertently met Finn's across the room. His presence was a stark reminder of the complexity and the moral ambiguities we were facing in this war.

Bellamy, sensing the shift in my focus, asked, "Guess the inquisitions are over. How's Finn doing anyway?"

I sighed, the weight of Finn's actions still heavy on my mind. "I haven't talked to him since we got back. I don't know what to say. He just kept shooting," I said, struggling with the memories of what had happened at Tondc.

"We're at war, Kegan, we've all done things," Bellamy tried to reason, but his words did little to ease the turmoil of emotions.

Finn approached us then, breaking the tense atmosphere. "Hey," he greeted, his voice subdued.

Bellamy, perhaps sensing the need for us to talk, excused himself. "Next rounds on me," he rasped before walking away.

Finn's question was direct and to the point. "Mt. Weather, what's the plan?"

"Not sure yet," I replied honestly. The complexities of the situation at Mount Weather were daunting, and a concrete plan had yet to be formulated.

Just then, Raven's voice cut through the conversation. "Kegan!" she called out. I turned to see her approaching, a sense of urgency in her stride. Raven's intelligence and skills were vital to our efforts, and her arrival suggested she had important information or a new development regarding our situation.

As I excused myself from Finn and made my way to Raven, the gravity of our circumstances weighed on me. We were caught in a web of challenges – the moral quandaries of war, the plight of our friends in Mount Weather, and the need to find a way to rescue them without further escalating tensions. Each decision, each action, carried the weight of potential consequences, and as we moved forward, the resolve to navigate these challenges with courage and unity was more crucial than ever.

The call from Raven provided a timely escape from a conversation I wasn't ready to have. I wanted to talk to Finn, to understand, to reconcile the brotherhood we formed in the Skybox with the man I saw in Tondc. But the images of him firing relentlessly, the horror of innocent lives lost in a senseless act, clouded my mind every time I faced him.As I said goodbye to Finn and made my way over to Raven, I was acutely aware of the conflict within me. Our bond, formed under the oppressive regime of the Skybox, was based on mutual understanding and shared struggles. It was hard to reconcile that bond with what Finn had become, what the war had made him do. The question of whether I could forgive him for his actions at Tondc lingered heavily in my thoughts.

Approaching Raven, I tried to push these conflicting emotions aside. Raven was focused, her sharp mind always working on the next problem to solve, the next challenge to overcome. She was a beacon of strength and resilience, qualities we desperately needed in these trying times.

"Hey, Raven. What's up?" I asked, shifting my focus to the task at hand. Raven had a knack for cutting through the noise, for focusing on what was necessary, and right now, we needed that clarity.

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