Maisie and her friends in Equestria

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With the kids....

Jenny read the new western story about the heroes and sighed dreamily

Blaze: What are you reading Jenny?

Jenny- A cowboy story someone uploaded of us.... Oh my Spike is so brave in that one saving me from Buzz Buzzard , Al Negator and Warwick who kidnapped me and chained me...

Jacinth: No way!

Spike sees this

Spike: Cool!

Jenny Oh !

She looks and see Spike smirking as he walked over

Spike snuggles her: Was I so brave?

Jenny- (Blushes) Y... Yes... Look

Spike reads it*

He first reads how he flirts with Jenny

Spike: Ooh....

He reasons now Buzz kidnapped and tied her up and with Al negator calling her a bitch and chaining her legs

Spike: Dang, that jerk.

Jenny looks t him as he looked at her before he speaks

Spike: Well it's a good thing I saved you.

She looks at him

Spike kisses her cheek*

Jenny- Oh ! Spike !

Spike snuggles her*

Jenny looks- Spike......

Spike: Yes?

Jenny- What's with you being all lovey dovey ?~

Spike: Cause I love you....

Jenny- Awwwww baby~

They snuggle

Priscilla looks at the sign in front

Priscilla- So what is Equestria ?

Maisie looks: It's where all the ponies live in.

Jenny- Wow.....

Jenny, once stepped in the land of Equestria , she yells

Muskrat: Jenny!

Tito: Are you okay?!

Jenny- Oh my God I'm one of them !

They looked*

Jenny is in shock oh herself.

She turned into a pretty Equestrian Ancient Unicorn with blonde hair and tail , her eyes still dark blue , her fur is medium purple and her cutie mark is a black and light purple glitch rabbit symbol

Butch: Wow!

Tanner: Awesome!

Maisie: I got to take a picture of this. *takes a picture*

Jenny- Hey no ! Stop that !

She tries to stand on her back legs like how she was as a human but she falls back onto her four legs like all the other ponoes

Maisie: Oh! Jenny! *runs to her*

Jenny Stands on her four legs like a pony

Jenny- This is new

But then Maisie turns into a pretty female pegasus with brown wavy mane and tail , tan fur ( Like Rainbow Dash) and her cutie mark is a raptor skull

Maisie: Yipes! I'm a horse too!

Spike sees Jenny

Spike: Whoa. You look amazing babe.

She blushes more

Jenny- Spike !

But when he entered in he turns into a handsome blue pegasus with messy dark blue and white bangs and tail , hi still wears his bandana on his head as well as his jacket and shirt. His cutie mark is a flirting symbol

Spike: Whoa!

Scappy: Cool!

Everyone else jumped in and they're all different ponies with different cutie marks

Snips: Cool!

A few ponies went by checking them out.

Wither: Okay, I look different.

He blushes before he sees a female earth pony walking by but she stops and sees him.

Her name is Rose Luck

Jacinth: Uh oh, should I tell Samantha about this?

Rose Luck blushes and runs off.

Jenny- Oh. I forgot. Female ponies here do turns to be easy attracted to male.ponies

Wither: Yeah, but I can't cheat on Samantha.

Jenny No but it DOES NOT hurt to make friends here.

A black fitted male pegasus flies by and sees Jenny and blushes

Here is Thunder Lane !

Spike is jealous*

He falls lovey dovey over Jenny before she looks and he shyly flies off before Spike speaks

Spike: I don't like that guy.

Jenny- Someone's jealous~~~

Spike blushes red: So?

Tanner: Ooh.....

She went over to him

Jenny- Because I'm an attractive Unicorn , all the males are attracted to me , when you are lovey not too long ago ?~

Spike blushes*

She looks as she flirty rub against him like a cat

Spike purrs*

Jenny you do look rather hot in this form~

Spike: Awwww babe...

Jenny smirks first

Spike looks*

Jenny smirks as she has an idea

Spike looks at her*

She whispers

Spike blushes: Really?

Jenny- Mhm~

Spike holds her close: Of course...

Jenny giggles beforeSnips gasp happily.

They look and see Pinkie Pie eyes sparkling seeing them

Maisie: Here's one of the mane six.

Scappy: Cool!

Pinkie Pie see them and gasped fangirling

Tanner: Whoa!

Pinkie Pie- Oh my GOODNESSS !!!!!

Goggles: Hi Pinkie.

Pinkie- Oh my g I love you kids

They smiled*

Pinkie: Come! I need to show you to the others!

Rubinia: As long as I get to meet Rarity.

They followed her*

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