Monty reveals himself and meet Ban ban

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Back with the rainbow friends, they're grown up again*

Their girls snuggle them

Red: Being a baby was fun while it lasted.

Blue: Yep, at least our babies had fun with us.

Sharon Honey !

Rouge- Babe !

Green: Yes?

She went over to him and hugged him

Green smiles: Awww shucks.

Indigo sleeps as his babies sleep on him*

Winter looks

The babies loved sleeping on Indigo*

Winter sees and meows

Indigo opens his eyes and smiles*

Winter meows and went over to hi

Indigo whines and licks her cheek*

Winter blushes and went closer to hi.

Indigo smiles*

Maisie and her friends came in*

Maisie: Hey we're back!

They looked

Blue There you guys are !

Alli: Hi hi!

Muskrat: Twilight and her friends went back home.

Tanner: By the way did you notice the new strange place called Ban ban that is across from your street?

Blue- Huh ?

Orange- Uh no ?

Chuba: What new place?

Grey looks out the window: That place.

Yellow- How is that new ? It looks abandoned

Gold: Maybe we should check it out.

Jenny chuckles

Maisie: Yeah.

Jenny giggles more

They went across the street to check it out*

With Pentious....

He is all prepared for phase 3.

Pentious is making a meal worm shake*

Issac looks at the ram horn and the fish: Um, are you sure these will help me lift the bite?

Sash looks

Pentious: Do you want to have an evil twin?

Issac: No! Of course not!

Pentious pours the drink: Then you must do it fast to get the bite off your system. *gives him the drink* Drink the meal worm shake.

Sash looks and Snickers a little

Issac: Blegh, blegh. *drinks it* Blegh!

Pentious: Now kiss the fish!

Sash giggles

Issac kisses the fish*

Pentious: Now blow the ram's horn!

Pentious blows the ram's horn*

Monty quietly came in who is dressed normally, the others see him and are shocked but Monty gestures them to be quiet*

They nodded

Pentious: Drink the meal worm shake!

Issac: Drinking it! *drinks it* Blegh!

Maisie and her friends in EquestriaWhere stories live. Discover now