Loona meets Death wolf and Four new koopalings

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But in the bedroom....

Luna muffled moans

Stygian: Nice.....

He stops licking her body and becomes more lustful

Luna- Hm ?

Stygian: Time for some more fun....

She looks at him

Stygian pins her*

Luna- Ahh !

Stygian smirks as he's going to have more fun*

Meanwhile with Troy and Loona*

They're bored

Troy: Bored....

Loona- Me too

As they walk, some of the demons hide in fear*

They noticed

Troy: Why are they hiding?

They see something coming as the demons hide, a mysterious hellhound with two scythes and a black hood walking down the road*

Loona- Isn't he a hellhound ?

Troy: Never seen him before, but why are people scared of him?

Demon: Haven't you heard, he's the most bloodthirsty hellhound in all of hell! He even goes to the surface to kill those who doesn't want to give up their soul!

Loona- You dumb fucks are idiots then. You're already DEAD !!

????: Did someone talk about me?

Loona gasped and froze

The hooded hellhound came to them*

Troy growls at him*

The hellhound took off his hood to reveal his face*

Loona blushes

Death Wolf: Name's Death wolf. The chosen one to claim souls from the surface..

Loona- I can see that

Troy: Alright buster, whoever you are you better not get near my sister.

Death wolf: Why not? She has the lovely looks.

Loona glared and blushes

Death Wolf kisses her hand*

Loona- Oh !

Death Wolf: I got to get something to eat now, see you next time senorita. *as he left*

She blushes

Loona- Okay FUCK you

Troy: Okay that guy's a jerk, let's go somewhere else then be next to him. *as they left*

Death wolf looks back and smirks*

Back with the weaselings, Tigs finally made a sibling cloning machine*

The two looked

Tigs: Okay Junior, with this, you can have four more siblings, but it requires DNA from my other four siblings.

Arabella bruh

Tina: Will hair DNA do?

Tigs: Yep.

Arabella looks

The four cut pieces of their hair and give it to him, he put them in the capsule*

Tigs: Okay, step right in Junior.

Jr- Okey dokey

Junior steps in*

Tigs presses the buttons and the machine glows*

They watch

The machine then stopped glowing and Junior came out, the other capsule opened and four figures are in there*

They look

The four new koopalings that almost look like Arabella, Tina, Rocky and Axelle came out*

Arabella's and Tina's koopalettes are prettier than Wendy

Wendy: No fair these three have hair!

Ari- Too bad so sad !

Lemmy: Wow! What are your names?

Tigs- Okay , This is Ari

Ari giggles

Tigs- Christy

Christy- Hiya

Tigs- Rocko

Rocko- What's up ?

Tigs- And Elle !

Junior: Wow! Three new sisters and one more brother!

Joseph looks at Elle and Ari

Joseph- They're pretty cute dude !

Cody-( Stares at Rocko- ) I'll say~

Morty: Should I tell Angel that your cheating on him?

Cody- Ugh , No I'm not !! Please , if you were gay you'd understand !

Morty: Pass.

Junior: Come new siblings, I should show you to the others!

They cheered.

With the Rainbow fri nds.....

Perry coos as he crawls around with Papaya , Phil , and Cobalt

Alli and Ada looked*

The rainbow Babies get into the cookies

Purple: Hey kids, easy on the cookies.

The babies gasped and see their parents Orange Green Blue and Purple looking at them

Orange: You know we don't eat cookies after dinner.

Cobalt: You be like babies like us!

The babies coo and agree with Cobalt angrily

Orange: How would we feel if we become babies like you?

Green: Ha, we've become babies once, too bad Red hasn't become a baby too.

The babies coo angrily and tackle their parents

Purple: Ah!

The babies tickled them*

Blue giggles: Hey stop it!

Papaya nibbles on Orange

Orange chuckles*

Papaya cooed bad Daddy , go to oven !

Orange snuggles her*

Red heard what the babies said, he has an idea*

Raspberry sneaks in cooing as she hides through his serums

Red came in: Rouge, I need you to do something for me.

Rouge- Yes ?

Red: I want you to make a baby machine that can make me and my friends into babies temporarily.

Rouge- What ?!

Red: Well I turned my friends into babies before, but I've never experienced myself as a baby.

Rouge thought of Red as a cute baby*

Rouge- Awwww ! Okay baby.

But before they could they see Raspberry crawling to the grownup serum

Red: Raspberry! *runs to her and grabs her* No sweetie, the grownup serum is not for you,

Raspberry whines and struggles in his hold

Red: Shhh... *sings her a lullaby*

Rapsberry looks and coos

Red cradles her*

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