Astelle takes Twilight and her friends

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Twilight- What do you want Astelle- ? Why are you siding with them ?

Rainbow - Yeah does this Overlord of yours know about this

Astelle- NO HE DOES NOT !!!

Maisie: Oh boy.

Her horn glows

Astelle- And he MEVER will....

Maisie hugs Alli close*

Astelles magis grew black vines with thorns and used them to block the kids from the Mane Six

Rainbow- Kids !

Twilight- Astelle please don't do this !

Scappy hugs Shrimp*

Astelle-You ruined EVERYTHING !!! you made my husband into one of you !!!

Rainbow dash: So?

Astelle- So ? SO ?!!! You ruined my revenge TWO TIMES now !!! Now the only way I can take care of it is to drain you and kill those brats

The kids gasped*

Rarity What ?!

Rainbow- Those kids have nothing to do with this !!

Astelle- Actually they do. Because they're all related to the heroes...( Looks at Tito's Gang ) The imps...

Tito: Hey chill out senorita.

Astelle-( Looks at Jenny ) Michael Afton....

Jenny looks away.

Astelle-( Looks at Spike ) Florabelle...

Flora hides behind Spike*

Astelle- So yes. They do butt into grown up business too

Alli whimpers*

The Mane Six glared.

Astelle- BUT.... If you six be my slaves.... I will set the kids free

Maisie: Twilight don't do it!

Stygian appeared grolwong at her

Stygian- Zip it you little brat!

Alli whimpers*

Astelle- If you don't , I'll kill them here. It's up to you !

The Mane Six looked at each other before they're eyes landed on Twilight who stood there with a few seconds of silence and sighed in defeat

Twilight - I'll take it....

Rarity -( Glares ) I'll take it too , you loathsome Alicorn !

Rainbow- Fine...

Applejack -( Takes hat off ) I'll go.

Fluttershy-( Sadly ) I'll do it...

Pinkie-( Tears up ) Me too....

The kids are worried*

Maisie: No...

Astelle relaxes the Mane Six from the thorns and makes a portal.

Astelle- Well ?

The five of them went in the portal. But before Twilight could the kids call out to Twilight

Tito: No!

Muskrat: Don't do this!

Twilight looks at them.

Twilight- I'm sorry kids... But it's the only way to keep you and your families safe...

Maisie: No....

Maisie and her friends in EquestriaWhere stories live. Discover now