Malikai talks to Arabella and Issac panicking

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Overlord speaks.

Overlord smiles: Thank you honey..

Astelle Yep.....

Overlord speaks to her

Overlord: Let's go home so I can make you something special.

Astelle Fine......

They leave. Void looks at Stygian

Void- And don't think you're off the hook real easily !

Shadow speaks

Shadow: You made love to my Luna!

Stygian- So what ?!

Luna blushes towards Shadow

Void grabs him by the ear: For that, your going to do some chores at the castle!

Stygian- What ?! Oh come on !!!

Luna blushes looking at Shadow

Shadow looks at her blushing*

Void: Com'on let's go!

Stygian leaves with them.

Luna went over to Shadow

Shadow: So do you want to have dinner with me?

Luna blushes and smile as she went over to him.

Luna- I really missed you all this time since Trixie Sparkle....

Shadow: Yes.

Reala looks and smiles*

She first nuzzles hom

Shadow smiles*

Malikai got a call from Shelly: Yes sweetie?

Shelly: I'm having Wroggi's baby!

Arabella - We don't like Wroggi !!!

Malikai: Sis, remember what little mikey says? *as he holds him*

She gasped

Arabella hugs it*

Arabella- Little Mikey !!!!

Arabella- My wittle Mikey ! Mine !

Malikai: Okay, now I need to see Shelly.

Arabella- But bro bro ! Wroggis a jerk ! Since when did we welcome here ?!

Malikai: Sis, haven't you forget? Wroggi joined the good side along with Lidong his half brother and Terrible and Monstro too.

Arabella No Wroggi stayed behind because he wanted to stay evil. And one episode where he was made a deal to have a date with Shelly WITHOIT him telling you !

They gasped

Malikai: Oh...

Wroggi on the phone: I heard that, I got Shelly pregnant 9 months ago and I told you. So stop whining Arabella!

She feels sad and runs off


Malikai: I'll be there soon Wroggi, I need to make my sister feel better. *hangs up and runs after her*

Jenny bursts into laughter

Muskrat chuckles*

Jenny- I love that best cry meme she's doing ! That's me when I realized I was related to Vanny

Maisie: Oh my.

Jenny- And when I heard Spike was asking Tina out

Spike looks down*

Jenny- Awww babe

Jenny hugs him*

Spike: Oh!

Jenny- One : You know I forgave you... It was my fault on letting my feelings get the better of me...

Spike looks at her*

Jenny- Besides : Where's my handsome , tough , flirtatious guy at ?~

Spike smiles: Right here baby.

Jenny- Where ?~

Spike holds her close: Right here....

Jenny- Oh !

Spike kisses her*

Jenny closes her eyes and kisses him back.

Priscilla- Oh ! Speaking of the hospital , I need to see Snipsy !!

She flew off.

With Arabella....

She still runs until she made it to a fountain to funny cry at.


Malikai: Sis! Come here!

She whines more

Malikai hugs her*

She whimoers as she holds Little Mikey

Malikai: Wroggi was hoping for your approval....

Arabella- He didn't have to be so mean !!

Malikai: Sis, he didn't mean to, he will apologize.

Arabella- I give up on life....

Malikai hugs her: Hey... hey...

She sniffles

Malikai: Come, I'll get you some ice cream after we see my daughter giving birth.

Meanwhile at the Strawberry cafe*

Issac: And then Pentious's evil twin hit me with a branch!

King Shark: Oh boy!

Weiss laughs

Beige: Dang, I'm glad I don't have an evil twin.

Pentious: Well that makes you lucky.

Monty came in and roars throwing strawberries at Issac, then he kissed Issac*

Issac: Mmph! Mmph!

Monty pulls away and runs out screaming*

Issac: Blegh! He kissed me!

Sash was in shock at what she saw

Pentious: Are you okay?!

Issac: Yeah your evil twin kissed me on the lips, I was not hoping to be Angel dust which I'm NOT! NOT GAY! But not your evil twin!

Pentious: Oh no, this is not good!

Sash- ( Gets angry )What ?! You would have Angel KISS YOU ?!

Issac: I said not hoping babe. Not!

Sash is relieved*

Sash- THEN WHICH IS IT ?! How could you let him kiss you, you no good bastard ?!

Pentious: The kiss is bad!

Issac: How bad?

Pentious: It's the same as a bite, and your going to have an evin twin as me. But it might be worse, your evil twin might kiss your wife!

Sash- Oh that doesn't sound so bad. Sounds fair.

Issac looks at her

Issac: What are we going to do!? I don't want an evil twin! *cries*

Sash- Then you shouldn't have pranked Pentious and MAYBE you'd didn't have his evil twin KISS YOU !!!!

Pentious: Not to worry Issac, there is a way to get rid of the effects of the twinfection, but it's going to be half gross.

Issac: Anything to get rid of it!

Pentious: Okay, but we don't have much time, just let me finish this parfait.

Sash looks

Pentious smirks and eats his parfait slowly*

Pentious in his mind: Time for phase 3....

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