Ban Ban meets Cheerilee

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In the castle of the crystal, Neyla sleeps in her bed*

SkekTek wakes up

Neyla still sleeps*

He kisses her cheek

Neyla smiles*

SkekTek- morning my dear

Neyla wakes up: Morning my love...

SkekTek- how did you sleep

Neyla: I sleep wonderfully.

SkekTek smiles*

Malikai: SkekTek!

SkekTek- yes what is it

Malikai: Savy hurt her arm and leg!

SkekTek- what what happened ?!

Morty: Ein, Elliot, and Pierce tried to prank our bro, but instead they did it on Savy.

SkekTek- oh boy. I'm coming...

Back with the kids...

They show Ban ban and his friends around Dark town*

Jenny sees two new picture

Jenny- Ooh !

Tito: What is it?

Jenny- Look! Heartsissopure made a picture of me !

She shows her phone to them

Maisie looks: Wow!

Spike: Not bad babe.

Jenny yelled and spotted Spike

Jenny- Spike !

Spike: What? I was impressed babe.

She blushes

Jenny- Oh my god you looked at it....

Jacinth: So what is the second picture?

Jenny look

Tanner: Oh! That looks awesome!

They see a pic of Jenny meeting Maisie

Maisie: Wow!

Jenny- That's us !

Scappy: Wowza!

Spike speaks

Spike: You look amazing babe.

She blushes more

Jenny- Spike !!!

Spike: Sorry babe

Jenny sighed and went over to him

Spike looks at her*

Jenny first kisses his cheek

Spike: Oh!

Jenny- Spikey....

Spike smiles: Yes.....?

Jenny- Well....

Spike: Ooh....

Jenny- I'm acting like that because I feel so shy about you complimenting me~

Spike: Oh yes.....

Jenny Hm ?

Spike smiles*

Ban ban sees them together and feels sad*

Maisie looks

Maisie- Are you okay Ban Ban ?

Ban ban: I wish I have love.

But unbeknownst to them they're close to the Strawberry cafe

Rubinia - Awww poor Ban Ban

Jumbo: Don't be sad.

Opila- Yeah I'm sure there's someone for you.

Ms. Cheerilee drinks her raspberry blueberry smoothie

Ban Ban sees her: Whoa... who is that gorgeous thing?

Maisie- Huh ?

The kids looked

Maisie: Oh that's Ms. Cheerilee

Jenny- She's from Equestria and visits her sometimes. She is the well loved teacher from Ponyville

Ban Ban: I'm nervous to talk to her.

Maisie gets an idea

Maisie: What if we talk to her for you?

Ban bane- What ? Don't do it !

But she left and Maisie went over to Ms. Cheerilee.

Maisie: Hi there!

Cheerilee- Oh ! Hello there Maisie. May I help you with something

Maisie: I want you to meet someone. Bring him here guys.

Krunch and Cake pulled Ban Ban to her*

Cheerilee looks

Maisie: Cheerilee, I want you to meet Ban ban.

Cheerilee Oh um.. hello

Ban ban make weird noises*

Muskrat: Ban ban say hello.

Cheerilee looks

Maisie: What are you trying to say Ban Ban?

Ban ban did weird noises*

Krunch: You want to give her a trout?

Cheerilee- Ponies are herbivores

Ban ban nodded no and keeps on making noises*

Crush: You wanna grow a snout?

Ban ban nodded no and still mutters*

Maisie: Oh.... He wants to ask you out.

Ban Ban then sighed heavily.

Cheerilee- Is that true Mr. Ban Ban ?

Ban Ban: Yes... what do you say?

Cheerilee- What do I say ?

Cheerilee is charmed and smiled flirty

Cheerilee- I say you have quite a way with female teachers like me , Mr. Ban Ban~

Ban Ban blushes*

Cheerilee giggled and nose kisses him

Ban ban is surprised*

Kids- Ooh !

Cheerilee- I'll see you later Ban Ban. ( Walks away ) Ban Ban. Such a cute name

Ban Ban smiles big*

Jenny- Wait... You never had anyone to love Ban Ban ?

Ban Ban: No....

All- What ?!

Jenny- Why not ?! I mean when I saw your past , I don't know why people didn't like you. You seemed pretty cute when you were human

Ban Ban: I had no one in school.

Pipsy- Not even friends ?

Ban Ban: No....

Jenny- Well look.

He sees Cheerilee giggling and talking to Marble

Ban Ban: Oh.

Jenny- You NOW have someone-- I mean some pony is to love. And she seemed to accept you

Ban Ban: Really?

Jenny- Yes ! Look

He sees Cheerilee looking at him , studying his unique handsomeness and blushes

Ban ban blushes*

He speaks

Ban ban: I guess she does like me.

Cheerilee looks

Ban ban waves hi*

She giggles

Ban Ban: She likes me.

Jenny yep..

The kids are happy for Ban Ban.

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