Issac's new prank idea

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Pink comes in

Red: Hello Pink.

Pink Hello dear...

She sees Raspberry.

Pink - I see Raspberry wore herself out

Red: Yes she has.

She chuckles

Pink- She reminds me of you~

Red smiles: Yes she does.

She kisses his cheek making him blush

Rouge and Pink walked around before they see something that made their jaws drop

Red: Oh no....

Pink- Oh my goodness.....

Rouge- Ooh la la~

Red looks and sees hi two lovers drooling over a cutout board version of himself with no clothes on showing off his muscular body

Red: Ah! *grabs some clothes*

Rouge- Hubba hubba~

Pink- Va va voom~~~

Red grabs his spare clothes and he put it over his cardboard form of him*

Both- Awwwwwww !!! Reeeeeedddd.

Red: Sorry, I just don't want to see my cardboard form in underwear.

Pink-But you're so handsome !!! Your body is so muscular

Red: Yes it is dear.

He holds Pink and Rouge in both hosa rms by their waist

Both- Oh !

Red: Besides you ladies love to woo over me.

They blush

Rouge Who wouldn't

Pink- Your appearance is so mesmerizing...

Rouge- The way you wear black is attractive.....

Pink- Your voice is so deep and seductive~

Red smiles*

The girls get an idea and kiss his cheeks

Red: Oh!

Rouge then traces his chest

Red: Ooh.....

Pink rubs his abs

Red smiles*

They whispered in his ear of the idea

Red: Oh my.

The girls looked

Red: Of course.

The girls giggled.

With the Rainbow Friends......

Sharon hums as she puts Aspen down for a nap

Green sighs: These babies are so fun.

Sharon- Yep~

Orange eats*

The babies eat too

Alli: Babies cute.

Torchic chirps*

She went over to him

Alli looks*

Torchic- Torchic !

Alli: Awwwww. *picks her up*

Torchic looks

Alli snuggles her*

Torvhic looks

Alli hugs as Torchic coos*

Back with the heroes*

Ratigator sleeps*

Smarty sleeps*

Issac came inside with Dennis the demon kid*

Issac: You remember the plan Dennis?

Dennis smiles: Yep?

Smarty- What are you up to this time ?

Issac: Pentious is coming over with some food, so I decided to do a prank on him with double Vincents, I'm going to trick him that his food will make him delusional thinking that Vincent was upstairs, but downstairs Vincent will be back with food and he'll be so confused thinking he was here.

Smarty- And this is WHY no wonder your wife is nearly done with you and you

Issac: Hey.... I don't see you good with any pranks.

Smarty- Because I'm not an ATTENTION SEEKER or an Ein and Pierce wannabe like you

Ein from outside: I heard that Pinky!

Smarty- Be happy YOU'RE not the one I'm making fun of Blue head !

Savy: Oh honey. *scratches his head*

Smarty purrs

Smarty- They're making fun of me !

Savy: It's okay honey, I'll tell Blitzo to deal with them, will that make you happy?

Smarty- fine....

He purrs as she scratches his head.

Sash- Of course Issac will play pranks because he likes to neglect his kids and has NOTHING better to do with his life !

Issac smiles and dips her*

Sash- Ohh !

Issac: I would never neglect you or the kids babe.

Sash blushes

Sash- B--babe.

He gently shushes her with his finger

Issac: Kiss me?

Sash- Mhm~

Issac kisses her*

Sash- Mm !

Issac gives her a hot kiss*

Sash closed her eyes and kisses him back before he pulled away and speaks

Issac: I love you babe....

Sash- Awww I love you too~

He two snuggle each other before they see Bluebell sitting by herself

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