Turning the mane 6 back to normal and Mothra hatching

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Meanwhile at the home of the darkness*

Dark Horse looks at Mothra's silky cocoon*

Void speaks as he pets Mothras Cocoon

Void: I'm excited to see Mothra hatch soon.

Vexa- I though you were afraid of Moths Daddy

Void: Not anymore.

Vexa- Oh.

Ifrit- Wonder what she'll look like.

Then the cocoon moves

They looked*

They see two long claws gently poke out

Void: Lightness! Mothra is hatching!

Lightness - Really ?!

She looks and her eyes sparkle

Lightness- Oh my goodness....

Then her clear huge wings slowly burst out from the cocoon with grace before it gets their colors

Vero coos*

Nega Death: Wow!

Mothra pokes and jumped out of her cocoon chirping

Ganon: Wow!

Mothra looks at them and chirps

Mothra remembers her husband Godzilla*

Lightness- You wanna go back to Earth , Mothra ?

Mothra chirps yes*

Lightness snuggles her

Lightness Alright. But be sure to visit alright ?

She chirps a yes , stretches her wings out and takes flight with the others waving before Overlord came in running with Shadow

Overlord: Grandpa! Grandpa!

They looked and Lightness looks

Lightness Huh ?

Void: What is it?

Overlord: My wife has threatened to hurt the kids if the mane 6 doesn't become her slaves!

They gasped

Void angry: She DID WHAT?!

Lightness Oh dear....

Void: Solaris!!

Solaris came in fast: Yes father!?

Void: Find Celestia and Luna's parents, I want to speak to them about their daughter.

Lightness- Void their parents have disappeared after you captured them ! You think they want to come back after what you did ?!

He stopped.

Void: Right...

Solaris: Well I can tell them that your deeply sorry and you can tell them you'll never do it again.

Vexa- That doesn't mean they're going to listen ! You need to deal with Astelle now before she hurts someone !!

Void: Okay then sweetie.

Back with the others...

The Nightmare Six cackled

The kids are worried*

Jenny- Have you thought of anything yet ?!

Maisie thinks: Wait, I have an idea. *went towards Midnight*

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