Chapter 10: intruders

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Hiccup's P.O.V
Toothless and I went to the entrance of the cave and the whole dragon academy was there... well except Snotlout.
"I told you to stay!" I yelled at them.
"So, I.... I mean WE wanted to see the colony......... We should take these dragons back to Berk. Think of it Hic a army to do what ever I..... YOU want." Astrid said.
"No. They obey their queen and no one else. Go home guys I'll be back soon." I said and they did so.
"Think of it Hic." Astrid said as she left.
'You know we do listen to someone else.' Toothless said.
"Who?" I asked.
'The king..... when we have one and may is at that age, as are you.'
"Ok ok ok." I said as I got on and he took me to the cave. I got off and went to May's side Toothless and fang left. May was asleep so I just laid down next to her and she snuggled up agents me. I put an arm around her gently and whispered,"I love you my Miss May." With that I fell into a deep sleep with my love at my side.
***Time Pass***
May's P.O.V.
I woke up early and was extra carful not to wake up Hiccup, he can be so over protective. I climbed out of the cave and found fang.
'Hey May. You feeling better?' Fang asked me.
"I'd feel a lot better if we were flying."
'Ok get on'
"One sec I need to tell Toothy something real quick." I said and jogged over to Toothless.
"Hey if Hiccup wakes up before I get back tell him I went flying and you couldn't stop me, got it?" I said
'Yep bye Mayday' he said and continued to eat.
"Let's go Fang" I said as we raced to the exit and at the last secant I jumped onto her back. How I loved to fly with my best friend. We flew to thorny meadow. We ducked and dodged the huge thorns, then we went to crashing canyon. And lastly we raced with some teenage boys and won all 20 times. When we were finished it was late noon and Hiccup was ether super mad and/or worried.
"Crud Hiccups gonna kill me." I wined and Fang giggled.
"Oh shut up it's not funny. He is very over protective."
'Ok let's get going then.' She said and we rocketed to the colony.
Half way there we passed Toothless and, Hiccup. I'm in so much trouble.
"Fang stop" I said.
"May you scarred me. You shouldn't be flying. You could get hurt." He said from the back of Toothy.
"Sorry Hiccup." I said acting sorry.
"Come on we are going home." He said gesturing for me to get on Toothless with him. I sighed and jumped onto Toothless, I sat behind hiccup and rapped my arms around him. We went to the cave slowly.
"Can we go a little faster." I finally asked.
"You want to go fast." He said with a grin.
"Yeah but you probably can't go that fast." I said teasing.
"Oh really hold on." And with that we went from like 4 to 40 in a split secant.
I held on to Hiccup and laughed like crazy. We got to the cave in 5 minuets latter.
"That was fun." I said getting off after him.
"Yeah it wasn't to slow was it?" He said with a mocking grin. I pushed him in a playful way.
"I'm tired Hiccup its bin a long day." I said yawning. I felt a rush and I had no feet on the ground.
"Hey, Hiccup put me down"
"You said you were tiered"
THANKS FOR 1,000 VIEWS. AND DON't hate but I will not update the Next chapter unless I have at least 20 comments and 20 votes. Does that seem fair because right now I have 1000 viewers and five comments. The comments can be questions, suggestions for the story, questions about me and my friends I don't care I just want 20.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2015 ⏰

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