Chapter 8: The Mistake Has Been erased

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Mayberry's P.O.V.

My warriors were flying in a nice formation then.

"NOW!" I yelled jumping off and tide caught me and every one flue every which way.

"DAM!!"(excuse my language I got caught in the moment) astrid screamed than said,"pick a dragon and follow it " I could tell that she was pissed. I jumped from dragon to dragon when we crossed paths.

"To the volcano" I whispered to blazer and the plan was that all my warriors would go to the volcano and use the secret enters through fire. (I have a dragon skin cloak. It is from my first battle as Queen it was a prize. My simple of being a dragon.) on the way to the volcano all my warriors came together just as planed, but then Snotlot knocked me off Blazer and I fell.

Hiccup's P.O.V.

May was falling after Snotlot made her fall. I tried to catch her but I was to late she hit the ground and wasn't moving. I landed and ran to her.

"May? Wake up May. MAY!" I screamed as her nose began to bleed. Then Toothless grabbed me and pulled me away.

"Now that that problem is gone. Let's go home." Snotlot said

"SNOTLOT WHAT THE HELL. YOU KILLED HER." In the middle of my yelling I noticed the pink dragon went to May's body and lay in a circle around her. The dragon gently layer a head on May's body and she started to glow. The blood from Mays nose slowly went back. Then May took a deep breath and opened her eyes, but she quickly closed them again.

"MAY" I yelled. Running to her and holding her close to me.


"Snotlot go back to Berk NOW" I yelled an order at him.

"What ever I'm going home." He said getting on Hookfang.

"Toothless come on we're tacking her to the colony."

"Yes finally lets go" Astrid said

"You guy are staying here"

"What" she yelled but I ignored her and Toothless and I flue with the other dragons to the colony. Then we went to her cave. And I laid with her all night not taking my eyes off her.

"Please be ok. Please wake up" I whispered stroking her cheek then the white dragon came in and started to glow and then I passed out.
(The next part of the story will be told by May and Hiccup M for May H for a Hiccup)
H: I woke up in a Grassfield wanted to see two small kids playing. I looked closely only to see that the little girl looks like May, and when I looked closer I saw the little boy looks like me. I didn't even close my eyes for a minute, then I saw a girl in the woods across the field from me and when I tried to call her. Nothing happened and then every thing changed to the same girl running through the woods from a big black beast. Then it talked and I figured it out these were May's memories.
M: these were my memories and Hiccup was seeing them all and he even heard my thoughts. Nothing will ever be the same between us.
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