Chapter 4: 10 years later

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"Toothy, hurry or we'll be late. Again"

'Give me a beak your legs are longer.'

"No, you hit a growth spurt, your led are longer. Why don't you ever fly when I'm around?"I asked slowing to a walk.

'No reason.'

"I know it kills you to walk. That is why your late. Go on fly I'm fifteen I don't need you to protect me any more. Go explore, find a new friend."I said trying not to cry, but he needed this all his friend have had this experience he needed it. 

'R....really. You want me to go. But I promised mom.'

"Just come back to me. Ok?" I said. It's bin four years scents mom was killed and Toothless promised to protect me till I found a mate to help protect me.

'Ok. I'll be back in a week, deal?'

"Deal!" I said hugging him

'Bye sis Mayday.'he said taking flight

"Bye Toothy see you in a week."I said waving as he flue away.

'May May? come on.' A familiar voice called.

"Yes fang I'm still here."

'Well come on your queening ceremony is about to begin!' She stressed


'So get on May.'

"Ok"I said sadly

'Were is Toothy?'

"Gone I told him to go like the rest of his friend, but he'll be back in a week."

'If you say so come on.'

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