Chapter 3: New Family 2

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'My queen' a big male said then looked at me 'what is that on your back? a parasite'

'My new hatchling. And her name is Mayberry. I know you hate humans but I will banish you if you so much as think of harming her do I make myself clear?'

'Crystal but if she harms my hatchlings I will gut her, deal.'

'Yes. Is that clear Mayberry?'

'She can't talk.'

"Yes mommy."I said.

'Good bye my queen' the male said flying to a high cave and when he entered I heard young voices say daddy.

'Toothless!'mommy called

'Yes mommy' a little boy voice said

'Meet you sister Mayberry' she said

'She is a human?' toothless said confused.

'Yes and you will treat her like a dragon. But remember she is not fire proof, now show her our cave and I will tell the rest of the colony.'

'Ok mommy. Follow me.' he said walking away I followed.

'So what can I call you I know my mom calls you Mayberry.'

"Well I guess you can call me Mayday."

'I like it my sister Mayday. Has a nice ring to it.'

"I guess it does Toothy."


"Yeah. I'm Mayday your Toothy."

'Ok Mayday'

He flue up to a cave and waited for me. I couldn't help but wonder If  this is what a family is like? I wouldn't know because my father was banished from Berk when I was small and my mom died so I live with my cousin Snothead and my pinheaded uncle. Snotty even tried to kill me some times, hints why I'm friends will Hiccup. How I miss him, but this is my home now. This is my home now rang in my head well I climes to the cave.

'That was faster then I thought!'toothy exclaimed.

"When your cousin try's to kill you, you need to be fast."

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