The Great Ball

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Russell Turner and his wife Lacey Turner was walking around deciding what to do about their son Tobias Turner a twenty-five year old man who yet to marry and deciding where to find a love for him and it hit Russell that he will throw a ball and invite all the woman in town to attend and maybe he will see someone he can fall for and he told his wife Lacey his plan. Lacey Turner was agreeing with her husband about the plan and decided it's better for Tobias to choose one so she can see her grandkids before it's too late and for their son to stay some time with family and future wife instead of training most of the days Russell Turner smiled and got his staff to put forth a ball and design it before he can invite anyone In the town Carol Benjamin a girl about 5,4 feet, dark hair with hazel eyes with delicate body who is twenty-four year old who's working with her mother in a bakery since she was 12 after her dad death her mother wanted her to marry someone so he can take care of her but carol never thought of marrying and only wanted to stay with her mother to help her not wanting to leave her alone, so her mother Isabella didn't force her Mariam Richardson a blonde woman who was a designer design the ball

she put flowers and lights all around the largest room of the mansion. And put a lot of tables and chairs around the dance floor. And she smiled and then she track names and sent out all the young ladies in town to the Ball. Carol was buying some stuff her mother needs and as she backed to Bakery she saw her mother holding an envelope "Mother what are you holding" Isabella smiled looking at her "it's an invitation for you to attend a fancy ball." Carol furrowed her eyes "What?! Why would I be invited" Her mother looks at her "well it's a billionaire I think his family is invited everyone by the invitation." Carol rolled her eyes "mom throw it away you know I don't even have a dress for that ball" Her mother looks at her and pulls out a dress that had limestones around "you're father got it for me when we got married I was hoping you would wear it one day a ball is a good place." She smiled at her She looked at her surprised with the dress it looked old but still amazing if she can change a little on it "mom ..." She had few tears in her eyes He looks at her wiping her tears "what is it sweetie." She hugged her tight " you're the best ever" Isabella smiled and hugged her back "your the best daughter ever too."

She looks at her mother "so why there's a ball by the way." She reads the invitation 'dear ladies we are putting a ball together to find a love for our first born he needs a wife and someone to make him truly happy so me and my wife putting this ball together to help him find someone sincerely Russell and Lacey Turner.' She looks at her mother "oh... No way i will definitely not go " she smiled at her mother and went back to work baking She looks at her "sweetie I know you want to be here for me but when will you ever seen a ball again this be your only chance sweetie I will always be here after the ball." She looks at her mother "Mom... They're looking for a future wife to their son why should I go" she sighed She smiled "I know your so lonely beside me and you don't need to marry but just enjoy the ball I can go with you if you like as it's said your allowed a plus one." She looked at her with sad eyes "we can't afford a dress mom how can we go... Plus I'm sure their son would be so spoiled to even accept poor people like us mom." She nodded "so no fear in going and also your father got a few dresses for me when we were younger." Shows her a second one

She sighed knowing that there's no escape from accepting to go she looked at her mother's eyes and a small smile appeared in her face "yeah sure mom we can go." Her mother hugged her tight "you will see it be amazing sweetie." She hugged her back "yeah mom whatever you say" she looked at her "so when it will be." She looks at her "it's in two days." She smiled "good I'll be able to add few touches in my dress" she went back to work baking Her mother smiled and went to work and opened up for business letting people in the bakery At night after they closed down the bakery they walked to they're apartment and Carol went to take a shower after that she went to her room looking at the dress on bed and start re-designing the dress to suit her At night after they closed down the bakery they walked to they're apartment and Carol went to take a shower after that she went to her room looking at the dress on bed and start re-designing the dress to suit her  Tobias was walking around the mansion and his father told him about the ball they are putting together and Tobias sighed and decided to think about the ball and he took a shower then laid on his bed Two days later, Carol got dressed looking in mirror

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