Office Christmas Party

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She looked at him her eyes a little watery but it wasn't happy tears definitely then she looked down to hide her face Tobias hold her hand and whispered into her ears "I'm sorry mom made you marry me I wanted this but wanted you to accept me first but mom can be forceful at times." He looks down In ashamed She looked at him and nodded still hurt so she slowly pulled her hand from him walking out the church He watched out with her "so back to work or what you want to do." She looks at him "I guess it's up to you I'm still your secretary anyway" He nodded and looked down "let go out for lunch I would Love to get to know you better." She looked at him and nodded He smiled and took her to Kelly's Taverns walked inside and sat at a table and the waitress gave them both a menu "so what will you have." Carol looked at the menu but there were no price she wanted to order the cheapest thing but as it's dance place there're no prices so she looked at her "I'll have meat stick medium rare" The waitress nodded Tobias ordered the same and a bottle of wine and two glasses. She nodded took the menus and went to place the orders She looked out through the window beside her thinking He looks at her "I know I hurt you a lot and I'm truly sorry but I do really love you and I would love to learn more about you."

She looked at him "what you like to know" One do you play any music instruments and two what do you look for in a partner." He looks into her eyes She smiled "yeah I played once Violin" she looked at him "and I wasn't in this time at least for now." He looks at her "I know cause what I did I feel sorry for it but I played a few instruments piano, guitar, drums, Harpsichord, and Harmonica." He looks at her smiling "I know it doesn't mean anything but I was looking for a kind hearted decent woman who will tell me what she thinks even if I may not like it someone like you when we met." She looks at him "you don't feel sorry you're happy your mom forced me you are just like any man trying to buy girls with money" He looks at her "that's not true if I wanted to buy you I would had tried to offer you stuff to marry me instead of mom forcing you I am sorry I love you more than anyone can." He looks down she yelled at Tobias "WHY WOULD YOU LOVE ME WHEN YOU LITERALLY HAVE MOST OF GIRLS WANTING TO BE WITH YOU " she sighed looking away seeing most people looking at them He looks at her "do you remember the day we met you told me your not interested in Tobias cause he's like anyone only cares about money, well that made me fall for you only to prove it isn't true."

She looks at him "but there are others I'm sure." He looks at her "No the others would want my money and sit and be told what to do but you are special." He looks down She looked out the window sighing He looks at her "I'm telling you the truth I wish you can believe me." He looks out the window as their lunch has arrived She looked at the food and her stomach start grumbling and her cheeks immediately got red embarrassed He smiled and pour the wine for him and Carol She took it drinking while eating as she taste the food she gave a delicious moan uncontrollably then looked at Tobias "uh sorry" He smiled "it's okay I don't mind i just wish I can win your heart but i know I can't." He looks down as he ate and drink She looked at him then kept eating enjoying every piece of the food He smiled at her while she eat and he continued eating As she finished she looked at him drinking her wine "so..... Where will I stay in this year." He looks at her as he finished and drinking wine "anywhere you want, you can go home to the bakery or stay with me.  If you stay with me you can go home to see your mom and just come to sleep or if you go home just come to my house every so often." He finished drinking wine looking at her "you don't mind me staying with mom."

she looked at him "what about your mom ." He smiled at her "i don't mind cause I love you and my mom won't know cause I do live alone but you need to go to my place sometime so she won't find out." He wrote his address down and gave it to her "so I guess I'll stay with mom tonight." He paid the bill when they left he turned to her "we got a minute in a few minutes." He kisses her passionately She was surprised and tried to push him away He smirked and kept kissing her until he broke it "that was amazing." He smiled at her She looked at him in disbelief "what was that." He smiled "it was a kiss probably just in case mom was watching." He was lying cause he just wanted to kiss her She looked at him and nodded "uhh... So should we go you got a meeting in ten minutes." He nodded and drove her and himself back to the office She stayed silent all the way to the office looking from the window When they got there Tobias park his car "should we go into the office together or separate." She looks at him "I'd prefer separate" He nodded and went upstairs in his private elevator and he goes into his office waiting for the meeting to start before he head into the conference room.

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