Pool Party Games

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After they got home Carol went to take a shower Katy came by the house once they came home and knocked on the door Carol was still in the bath relaxing Tobias answer the door and let Katy in and he got her coffee to talk while Carol was in the shower Carol got out the shower drying herself wearing the bath robe Tobias and Katy was talking and drinking coffee Carol looked at them waiting to know why they're in the room "umm are you gonna sleep with him or something" Katy looks at her "why would I sleep with my own brother I came here to apologize but you don't want to accept it I guess." Carol looks at her "apologize about what exactly" Katy looks down "for calling you a wimp I was just having a bad day." She looks at her "what about insulting me when you came to my room" she looked at her He looks at her "I'm sorry about that but I was asking you to do something you didn't want to so I jump off the handle." Carol looks at her "by calling me a hypocrite" Katy looks at her "I said that cause I make you jealous so your mad at Tobias but whenever he's jealous you sweep it under the rug." Carol looks at her angrily "so you think you're allowed to judge me and insult me just for that" Katy stare at her "No but you hurt my brother and your supposed to love him."

She looks at her "it's fucking out your business he hurt me ok what if Zack got an emergency I'll be stuck on the road at midnight Katy looks at her "you don't be in the road at midnight if he didn't like you and tried to kiss you so you hurt Tobias first." She looks down She started looking mad and looked over at Tobias "you fucking know I didn't mean it plus we weren't close yet and he was literally our first month marriage." He looks at her "but I was still jealous cause you didn't tell him your in a relationship so don't kiss you but I didn't do nothing to make you jealous and you won't accept my sister apologize you just want to argue." He tears up "I... I don't want she just keep giving excuses for why she insulted not really apologizing." she got more angry Katy looks at her "that's not true I apologized but then you say your allowed to be jealous but Tobias can't be." Carol looks at her "I never said that you guys watched each other body and he only jealous I had dinner with Zack but I asked you if you want me to stay and not go I could do that" she rolled her eyes Katy looks at her "you don't know why he's jealous it had nothing to do with dinner he kissed you that's why he's jealous."

Carol looks at her "that was seven months ago and I was still nervous about the marriage and I told you how I feel bad for that and the fucking relationship was secret then" she got mad Katy looks at her "so you let someone kiss you and jealous when Tobias does things." She rolls her eyes Tobias grabs a gun "stop the fighting Katy came here to apologize but instead of accepting it you made the argument more I thought you love me." Put it to his head "accept her apologies. Carol got scared and nervous looking at him shaking her heart beat was so fast "fine... Fine I accept it" her voice was shaking while she felt herself dizzy He put down the gun "babe is everything wrong." She nodded still scared of him "uhh can... Can I... I just wanna nap" He looks at her "are you scared of me babe please don't lie to me we are married." Carol looks at him "I want to rest for now" she looked down her hands shaking and she put it behind her back He holds her hand while it shaken "babe I'm sorry why shaken." She slowly blacked out and fainted into his arms Katy called the Ambulance while Tobias holds Carol close to him in tears Carol was still in his arms unconscious The Ambulance came and Tobias holds her and put her in the Ambulance scared

The paramedic got her attached to the monitor looking at her vital signs her heart rate a little faster "um can you tell me what happened to her." He looks at the Paramedic "Her and my sister were fighting cause she came to make it all better but she wasn't letting it so I yelled to make her forgive my sis then she started shaken and she fainted." He looks down The paramedic looks at him "she seems a little ok for now we will take her to the hospital it might be stress only" He nodded "I hope she be okay I can't lose her." He looks at him "is she your wife" He looks back at him "she's my fiancé." He looks at him "pregnant?" He nodded at him The paramedic looked at her signs again giving her an analgesic not harmful for the baby so she will sleep for some hours He sat in the Ambulance as they went to the hospital They took her to a room and checked her and the baby making sure they're fine putting on solution to her body and left the room Tobias and Katy waited in the waiting room The doctor came to them "she won't wake up before tomorrow and when she wakes up we don't need anything to stress her out for the baby and her health." Tobias nodded "I understand that."

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