Tobias and Carol forced wedding

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She looked shocked at her "wh-what but why" She smirked at her "cause when my son first met you he fell in love with you so I wanted to make him happy." She looks at her and start to tear up "but I don't know him when did he meet me" she looked at her with teary eyes Lacey smiled as they pulled up to the house where she was during the great ball and she went inside and her guard pulled Carol inside with her and she sat on the table She looked around realizing the place "you're the one wanted a a girl to marry your son." She nodded "now sit down so I can have a word with you." She had two coffee brought to her She sat down looking at her nervously "but I'm sure you don't want me for your son I mean I'm too low for him he'd be embarrassed of me" although she look naturally beautiful but her style and attitude showed she wasn't from rich family She looks at her gave her a coffee and open some paper "well you two did have sex he got feelings for you so I got something to ask you." She took the coffee looking confused "what's that" She looks at her "I had you check out I know you can't pay bills so how is this you marry my son for three years and for each year you can stay married to him I pay you one hundred thousand."

She looks at her "what?! No!!" She looked at her "I'm not going to marry someone I just met" She smiled "but you knew him you guys talked before and if you last the three years I will pay you two million dollars." She looks at her started yelling "I SAID NO I WON'T MARRY YOUR SON, I DON'T LOVE HIM" she got up to leave The guard push her back down and Lacey started laughing "who need love for marriage just marry him and you be rich." She looked at her can't believe what she's hearing "I don't want to be rich I want to feel happy and loved and that won't be with your son." She looks at her "my son loves you and you guys made love already." She looks at her "you DRUGGED me !!" She tried her best to contain her anger by what this woman was talking and all the nonsense she needed to hear She smirked "but I bet you enjoy it and you was on shift too." She got up smirking "YOU!.." she really wanted to insult her but the sight of the guards she swallowed the words back "I told you I'm not going to marry him you can't FORCE ME!" Lacey smiled at her "You can't pay your bills two million dollars will help you with that." Carol just looks at her "it's my problem to handle I don't need any help from you."

She looks at her angrily "you're going to marry my son." Carol looks at Lacey and screamed "NO I'M NOT YOU CAN'T FORCE ME" she got up facing her "I'm sure there are lots of girls so desperate to be with him" She looks at he angrily "but he want you so you will marry him." She looks at her getting angrily "I said NO!" she hit hard on the table in front of her She smirked "so you don't lo your mother cause the two million can surly help her." Carol looks at her "what you talking about? If you ever hurt my mom I'm going to kill your son." She smirked "my son loves you and your a bad person that you can't see that well if you don't pay bills maybe I will take her bakery." She goes into the living room "I can handle the bakery alone stay away from me and my family" she stormed out the villa Tobias returned home as she's leaving She looked at him thinking 'what a bastard' He looks at her "I'm sorry I slept with you I didn't know you was drugged." She looks at him "STAY AWAY FROM ME YOU BASTARD!!" she walked past him away taking a Taxi "I thought you can love me but I feel you don't love anyone but yourself." He walked into his mansion 'how can someone fell in love with a stranger'

she thought wondering and went to her mom knowing she might be worried to death as she walked in "hey mom" Her mom looks at her "hey sweetie what up sweetie." She looks at her "nothing sorry I didn't come home last night and I had to take another shift for more money" she smiled at her Her mother smiled at her "it's okay sweetie but why work hard when the bakery is for both of us." She looks at her "yeah I'm trying to get more money to pay the bills mom you know" she smiled at her and got dressed to begin baking She looks at her "I know sweetie but we should be okay." She hold her tight She smiled nodding "yes mom" she hugged her tightly trying to hide her emotions She smiled back "so you don't need to work so many jobs just work here sweetie." She looks at him "but mom .. how can we get extra money we're already late on the bills" Her mother cried "i know sweetie but it should be better on bills." She looks down "don't worry mom I'll get us enough money soon I might apply on a better job you know one of those industries I can look for one with good money" Her mother nodded "what did I do to get such an amazing daughter." She tears up She cupped her face and wiped her mother tears with her thumbs "you're the best mother ever"

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