The Date With Jenny Black

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Carol felt relieved as they got out the hall they walked to the street looking for a taxi but it's far away from city so need to walk some Her mother looks at her "sweetie what happened." She called a taxi "I'll tell you later mom I'm really tired to even talk." The Taxi pulled up and they got in and the Taxi drove them home Carol was looking outside thinking of what the man said and sighed deeply He looks over at her nervous for her as the driver reached their house Carol walked out of the car after she paid him and went inside her apartment with her mom, she was trying to avoid her mom question again so she head immediately to her room Her mother sighed and went to her bedroom As Carol laid on bed she fell deep on sleep from exhaustion Russell asked one of his men to follow the girl from a distance and get all information about her Once he saw their apartment he wrote the address and information about her area then returned back to the mansion Russell looked at the address "I want you to get me a file of all her information about her and her family." He nodded "what you want me to get what kind of information."

Russell looked at him "I want everything about her own life and get past and if she ever date also about her family I'm sure she have something she might hide we can use to force her to marry our son." He nodded "anything nude or sexual or just anything I can find out." He looks at him "anything you can find out I wanna check anything she hate or like also." He nodded and went to the apartment to spy on her Carol woke up next morning and went to make breakfast He spying and write down everything he saw or heard Carol went with her mom to the bakery as usual feeling bad about the pills needed to be paid but not able to "mom I wanted to talk to you about something." Her mom looks at her "yes sweetie what is it." She looks at her mother "I applied to night shift job." She gasped "that's amazing sweetie. When will you know or when the interview." She looks at her "oh tomorrow night." She smiled "that's good sweetie." The man was writing everything down he was hearing Carol went next day at night to the hotel she's going to work at The guy keep following her trying to find a lot about her Carol went for her interview and got accepted for the job as room servicer The guy smiled while writing everything

He can see and hear Carol worked at morning and noon til 6 pm with her mother at bakery then went to her second job after that backing home at 3 am she felt exhausted everyday although it's been only one week working and at work getting in a guest room to clean it she felt a hand around her waist The guy was keep watching her as a guy grabbed her "your so beautiful do you know that cutie." He smiled at her She turned immediately slapping him although she knew she might lose the job by doing that "keep your hands away from me." The man looks at her "I'm so sorry if I hurt you or anything." She looked at him and backed away from him "I must go now." she sighed looking down taking her stuff to get out the room He nodded The guy was writing everything down She felt relieved knowing she wasn't getting rapped eventually so she walked out room and as her shift needed she went home at 3:30 am literally exhausted Her mother smiled at her "how are you feeling sweetie." Tobias was swimming in his pool thinking how he can get her to marry him "why you still up mom it's too late" Carol didn't want her mom to worry about her for anything she tried always to make her feel she's alright Lacey went to talk to her son a little "son, can I talk to you for some"

Tobias got out of the pool and sat on the edge "sure mom." Isabella looks at her "rest good sweetie." She went to her bedroom to sleep Lacey took a deep breath "I know it's hard for you to fall in love with other girls but this one she's really not the one for our hight status and class also she barely can handle to pay her bills " she looked into his eyes " can't we get you to know other girls you know Mr black wanted to introduce you to his daughter" Carol went to her room falling asleep immediately Tobias looks down "I don't know she seems more amazing and it was hard for me to feel this way for another after my ex." Lacey hold his hand "I'll get you to meet Jenny Mr Black's daughter tomorrow" Tobias looks down pondering "I guess but I won't stop thinking about this girl as she was so amazing." She looks at him "oh trust me sweetie she's not that for our high status she might embarrass us by hey behavior so you gonna like Jenny she's sweet girl and well educated also she already likes you" He looks at her "she's like me cause I'm rich not cause of who I am." He went to change.

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