Disneyland and Paris Trip

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As Carol arrived home she was already started feeling sick lately and she ran to bathroom throwing up He saw her in the bathroom "Carol is everything okay babe." She got up washing herself and looked at him nodding He holds her tight and whisper in her ears "got morning sickness don't you." She nodded while thinking about last time she got her period He hold her tight "did I get my baby pregnant." She looked up at him "but I still take my pills." He looks at her confused "if you take your pills then how did you get pregnant." She looks at him "who said I'm pregnant" He was confused "Usually morning sickness happens when your pregnant unless there another reason causing you to be sick." Carol just looks at Tobias "maybe there's another reason" Carol sighed thinking about it "I'm going to check on mom" He nodded "okay babe. How's her Dream looking did she get well known yet." She nodded "yeah did you see the new branch" He smiled "not yet but I heard about it. Looking good that she's doing her dream." She smiled "yeah well I'm heading out now" she got out the mansion and called the driver to take her but she stopped him in front of a pharmacy before they go to her mom and got four types of pregnancy tests

taking them with her then went to her mom The driver took her to her mom "Do you want me to wait here." He looks at her Carol smiled looking back at him "it's ok Edwin." She got out the car heading inside the bakery "I'd like to order" Edwin drive back to the mansion Her mom was about to say sure what you like but then she looks up and saw her daughter and went to hugged her tight "I miss you so much sweetie." She smiled at her Carol giggled "I missed you a lot mom" she smiled hugging her back Her mother looks at her "so what have you been up to where have you been." She smiled at her She smiled "I told you mom I went to a cruise with Tobias " she showed the diamond ring " he proposed to me." Her mother gasped "Really so your engaged for real now so all your dreams coming true." She smiled more Her mother smiled and called Katherine to make a few cupcakes "you know my favourite mom." She nodded "yes I do sweetie." Once it done she brought it out and handed it to her She smiled "I love you so much mom" she took it from her Her mother smiled "I love you so much too sweetie so how's your studying going." Carol looks at her mother "the second year will start in two weeks."

Her mother smiled "that's good are you passing and making that Dream happen." She looks at her She nodded "yes mom I got the highest grades" Her mother smiled "that's good so did you two set the wedding date yet." She shooks her head "not yet mom." Her mother smiled "okay I hope I'm invited this time." She looks at her Carol rolled her eyes "you know I wouldn't want you to see me sad while marrying" Her mother nodded "I know sweetie but this time will be a happy wedding." She smiled at her She nodded smiling "yes mom" Her mother smiled "so still love your cupcakes." She looks at her Her mother smiled "that's good sweetie so want your plans tonight if nothing come to dinner." She smiled at her "yeah sure mom we will be there at eight." Her mother smiled "sounds good sweetie see you then." He hugged her again She hugged back smiling " I'll see you tonight" she walked out ordering Uber The Uber came to pick her up smiling "looks like I got a hot passenger this time." He looks at her She looked at him showing her ring "keep your flirts to yourself" she got at the back seat He looks at it "oh sorry." He drove her to the address she had put in She smiled and got out as she arrived getting inside the villa hoping Tobias wouldn't be at the living room

Tobias was on the phone talking to his private pilot Carol got in quietly going upstairs like sneaking in Tobias got off the phone seeing her "hey sweetie your home now." She stopped biting her lips them looked at him smiling "aha yeah I was... Uh about to get a quick shower" He nodded "okay babe." He smiled but feel like she's hiding something then he went to sit on the couch She smiled and went to their room He turned on tv to watch a show She got into the bathroom using the pregnancy tests waiting for the results on all four He continued watching the show waiting for his wife She looked at the four showing positive or pregnant she was looking at them sighing "damn I made sure to not get pregnant." He was watching the show worrying about his wife She sighed accepting it looking at her belly rubbing it "don't worry I'll do my best." Tobias pour two glass of wine one for him and one for his wife Carol went downstairs sitting beside him at the couch He smiled handed her a glass of wine She refused it smiling "uhh I don't want to drink." she was thinking about the baby knowing she can't have any alcohol He was confused she never refused wine he sighed and went back watching the show

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