Epilogue (Peril)

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Peril laid in her room at Jade Mountain, she had moved into jade mountain to be closer to Clay and her work as a teacher at Jade Mountain. Peril still hasn't gotten Clay to date her but she's still trying. Peril looked at the list of students and saw tons of names of all types, Bloodwings, Mothwings, silkwings, hivewings, leafwings and every other tribe. Peril saw some familiar names of Dragonets she had met thanks to her friends, Seaweed and Summer were two notable ones. Peril went to her class and prepared her fireproof scrolls, she started rereading the scroll on animus magic, fire silk, fire scales and leafspeak, she was teaching unusually occurrences in Dragonets. As she was reading a small dark purple nightwing dragonet ran in being followed by Fatespeaker who greeted Peril "Hey Peril, how's everything going?" Peril replied "Well enough, is this you and Starflight's dragonet I've heard so much about?" Fatespeaker smiled and said "Yeah, this is Smallscale, isn't she just the cutest little Dragonet?" Peril looked at the Dragonet who was trying to pounce on her mother's tail and said "Yeah, she looks adorable, I assume she will be joining the classes." Fatespeaker smiled and said "Yeah, she will be, we have decided that it would be easier to let her join the classes than to let her stay with Hope and Peacemaker at the nightwing village." Peril then said "I suppose, especially since Peacemaker is joining Jade Mountain to." Fatespeaker smiled as she left and said "I know it would be to boring for Smallscale if Peacemaker wasn't there."

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