Part 1

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      Minho sat back in his chair comfortably as his eyes began to journey towards the window in the classroom. He pretended to look out of it but what really caught his eye was the boy sitting in front of the window. Minho was a 3rd year university student and he didn't have much direction on what he wanted to do after college. He had taken so many different random courses to try and spark his interest and his newest venture being a songwriting class. That being said, Minho had been coming to this class for a couple of weeks now and for some reason, even unknown to Minho, his eyes were always drawn to the same student who sat by the window in the same spot every time. The boy had broad shoulders but an otherwise tiny build. He never could sit in his chair like a normal person, he always had one leg up or his knees up by his chest. Minho would make himself laugh some days imagining what position the boy would sit in next. Half expecting to see him one day perched in his chair like the character L from the anime series Death Note. The boy also always wore a beanie with red Beats headphones over it at all times. He would take the headphones off during lectures, only to leave them hanging around his neck. It was like those red headphones were a security blanket that he couldn't detach himself from.

      Minho often found himself getting lost in class watching the boy. He noticed that he was always by himself. He never talked to any of the other classmates even when the teacher would tell the class to have discussions amongst themselves. No one ever approached him and he never left his seat. He would just work on whatever assignment on his own. Many times Minho wanted to walk over to him and start up a conversation, or discuss the assignment with him, seeing that nobody would even try to approach him, he felt bad for the boy. But something stopped Minho every time. He couldn't put his finger on it exactly, he was always really good at speaking with others even though he considered himself an introvert. But something about this boy made him nervous. Maybe it was the fact that he had big, sparkly brown eyes that made him look so innocent. Or maybe it was his delicate hands that Minho secretly wanted to hold. Or his cute, little pouty lips that would hang open slightly when he was focusing on his work. Whatever it was, Minho was down bad, but he could not for the life of him, leave his seat to approach the boy at all, so he continued every day to just watch him from afar.

      "Ok class, we have a partner project coming up. I need you to pick your partners now or I will pick for you. Pick wisely because you will be working with this classmate for the next few weeks outside of class to create a simple song together. The concept should be cute and light hearted. Nothing too serious. Alright, go find your partners." The professor announced. Minho turned around to his friends in the class, Changbin and Chan, and both of them hugged each other, showing that they were partnering up. Minho rolled his eyes and turned back around to see the boy with the red headphones standing right in front of him. Minho's head jerked back quickly, not expecting to see him there. "Do you... want to be my partner?" The boy asked softly. Minho's heart skipped a beat as he quickly responded "Of course!" The boy looked around awkwardly. "I mean, uh sure, I'm Minho." Minho said feeling his ears getting hot as he held his hand out for a handshake. The boy didn't take his hand and just said bluntly "I'm Jisung. Here, put your number in so we can communicate on when to get together to work on the project." He handed his phone to Minho and Minho gulped as he took it from him and put his number in. Jisung walked back to his seat and put on his headphones as the other students continued talking with each other. 'So his name is Jisung.' Minho thought smiling to himself.

      Minho looked around and noticed a couple of people looking at him and then to Jisung and whispering. Minho raised an eyebrow as he turned around to his friends. "Hey do you know why people are looking at me funny?" Minho asked Chan and Changbin. "I have a guess, it might be your project partner." Chan replied. "Yeah he does seem a bit odd." Changbin said. "So what?" Minho asked annoyed. "Hey I'm not trying to say anything, I'm just saying I have heard a lot of people talking about how he is a loner and never talks to anyone. I guess they are just surprised that he approached you to work on the project." Changbin said. Honestly Minho was surprised as well, Jisung always tended to opt out of group and partner projects and often asked if it was alright to do the assignments by himself. So why did he pick him this time? Minho thought back to what the professor said. 'Oh that's right, the professor didn't leave the option to do it alone this time. She said she would assign a partner if we didn't choose. But still, he chose me, of all people... I wonder why...' Minho thought.

      Minho spent the next day waiting for Jisung's text. He realized way after class that day that he didn't actually get his number in return so the ball was entirely in Jisung's court. It was going on the second day of no texts as Minho sat at a cafe on campus sipping his americano. Suddenly he got a text saying 'It's Jisung from class, meet me at the courtyard in front of our class building?' Minho immediately sat up in his chair and texted back quickly saying 'On the way.' He bought another americano and headed towards the courtyard. When he arrived he saw Jisung sitting on a bench wearing his usual red headphones. The only thing different was that he wasn't wearing a beanie this time. His black hair was slightly long, laying over his face in a soft fringe as he looked off in the distance listening to whatever was playing in those headphones. Minho approached him slowly and waved to get his attention. Jisung sat up straighter and slipped his headphones down to his neck. "You're not wearing your beanie." Minho said out loud without even thinking as he looked at Jisung taking in the sight of him. "Uh yeah... does it look bad? I know my headphones probably messed it up..." Jisung said nervously as he ran his fingers through his hair, trying to settle it. Minho watched him and said "No it looks good." The corner of Jisung's mouth curled ever so subtly at the compliment.

      He continued to fidget with his hair as he looked down to see the two drinks in Minho's hands. "Oh, this is for you. I didn't know what you liked so I just got you an iced americano." Minho said reaching one of the cups out to Jisung. Jisung didn't take it right away and just blinked at it for a moment. "Oh shit, I should have just asked you what you like. You don't have to drink it." Minho said bringing his hand back. "No! I actually love iced americanos." Jisung said taking the drink. "Really? I wasn't sure if you would like it because all my friends are always saying it's too..." Minho said pausing to think of the word. "Bitter." they both ended up saying at the same time. They both chuckled lightly before Minho said "Well that's a relief... so do you want to go work on the song?" Jisung nodded and led them inside the music building. They stepped into a practice room and got set up. Jisung sat at the piano and Minho sat on the other side facing Jisung. Jisung pushed his hair out of his face as he began tapping a few keys on the piano.

      "Hey I like that. Keep playing." Minho said as he walked around the piano and sat down next to Jisung on the small bench seat. Jisung scooted away slightly since they were suddenly very close. Minho started playing a few other notes on the piano as Jisung continued the part he came up with. Jisung smiled at Minho, clearly liking the way it sounded. Minho's heart swelled. It was the first time he had ever seen Jisung smile. For weeks he had watched him look so serious every day in class, wondering what was going on inside his head. Now seeing his smile, he wanted nothing more than to continue being the one to make him smile. He wanted to gate-keep that beautiful smile and have it be reserved just for him. "It's cute, I like it." Jisung said as he wrote down the notes they were playing. Minho smiled warmly watching Jisung work. After a little while they were kind of struggling with writing the rest of the track after that first bit they came up with. "Let's take a break from the music and maybe think about what we want to write about." Minho said. "Hmm... well its supposed to be cute and unserious, what if we write about..." Jisung said trailing off as he looked around the room. "Iced americanos." Jisung said finally. "Iced americanos?" Minho asked. "Yeah... I mean we both really like them... I don't know, that was a weird idea, just forget I said anything." Jisung said back peddling. "No wait, just let me process the idea for a moment." Minho said.

      Jisung sat quietly, waiting for Minho's response. He wasn't much for eye contact and would very seldomly actually look in Minho's direction. But as Minho thought, Jisung found himself looking at him, like really looking at him for the first time that day. Jisung began to notice how soft and fluffy Minho's brown hair was. His gaze followed down Minho's perfect nose to a tiny freckle by his nostril. Minho then broke Jisung's stare as he said "Ok. Let's do it. We can write about iced americanos. I think it could be cute and funny. And it will definitely be different than our classmates." Jisung nodded and wrote down a few ideas he had about the topic. Minho looked at the busy Jisung and suddenly said "Are you hungry?" Jisung looked up at him and said "Hungry?" "Yeah, you know, that feeling you get when your body needs food." Minho said joking. "It's past my usual lunch time so I'm starving." Minho added. "Actually I haven't eaten today..." Jisung said as if he just realized. "You haven't eaten? What the hell? It's like 3pm dude. Let's go get some food. We already got a little bit of the tune, and we got the concept decided. Let's eat!" Minho said. "You want to eat together?" Jisung asked. "I mean yeah that was the point of asking, but if you don't want to go..." Minho said standing up. "Well... where were you planning to go?" Jisung asked cautiously. "I'll just take that as a yes. Come on!" Minho said as he grabbed his bag and cleaned up his things. Without asking any other questions Jisung picked up his things and left with Minho out of the practice room.

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