Part 11

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      Minho and Jisung took the rest of Monday and Tuesday, to rest and recuperate from their ski trip. Wednesday came and Jisung sent Minho a text asking him to come over to his apartment after their classes for the day. Minho stopped at his dorm before heading to Jisung's. He opened his nightstand drawer and grabbed his lube and condoms and shoved them into his bag. 'Just in case.' Minho thought, not knowing what exactly Jisung was calling him over for. When Minho arrived Jisung ushered him in nervously. Minho could tell something was off with him. Jisung quietly led Minho back to his room for them to sit in front of his music set up in the corner."I want to show you something I have never shown anyone before... I have been scared to because it makes me feel really vulnerable, but... I trust you." Jisung said cueing up a song on his computer.

      "I wrote this song before we became project partners, this is how I always felt... before I met you." Jisung added as he clicked play on a track titled 'Alien'. Minho listened to the extremely sad and desperate words that Jisung sang in a voice that could best be described as an outcry, pleading for someone to understand him. Before the last chorus the lyrics repeated again 'I'm just lonely, somebody reach out and hold me.' Minho grabbed Jisung's hand with tears in his eyes as he said seriously and sincerely "I see you Jisung." Jisung clicked the track to pause it as he set his hand on top of Minho's and replied "I know, you always have. That's why I chose you to be my partner. I had noticed how you looked at me. You weren't weirded out by me or put off by my strange behavior. You always saw me, even when I was hiding." Minho grabbed Jisung's face and kissed him emotionally with tears streaming down both of their faces.

      After they both stopped crying they laughed at how emotional they had gotten and went to the living room to sit on the couch. "I'm hungry, you got any food?" Minho asked even though he had already gotten up and was on the way to investigate for himself. He opened the fridge to see it actually stocked with real food. Minho's jaw dropped as he looked over to Jisung. "I figured since you like to cook so much and I like to eat, that I would keep it stocked for you." Jisung said. Minho grinned ear to ear as he walked back over to Jisung. "So you plan to have me around more?" Minho asked as he sat back on the couch. "That's the plan. I have attached myself to you and you won't easily escape me now." Jisung said laughing. "Who said I want to escape?" Minho smirked as he put his hand on Jisung's thigh affectionately. "Speaking of cooking though, I actually had something I wanted to tell you too." Minho added as he turned more towards Jisung.

      "So I went to talk with my advisor and I decided I'm going to transfer to culinary school in Boulder. I already got accepted! It's only like 30 minutes away so I am going to move in with Chan and Changbin here and just commute there for school. With how stupid I have been with the classes I took here and switching of my major so many times it will probably take me two more years there but I plan to become a professional chef someday. You really helped me realize what I was passionate about that I could actually do for a living." Minho said excitedly. "That's amazing Minho! I'm so proud of you!" Jisung said hugging him. "I'm so grateful to have met you Jisung." Minho said laying his head on Jisung's shoulder as they held each other. Jisung pulled away from Minho surprised by such a serious statement. He felt overwhelmed by all the emotions stirring inside him and instead of crying like before Jisung grabbed Minho and kissed him, passionately sticking his tongue into his mouth. Minho's eyes widened at the unexpected tongue but he opened his mouth wider, welcoming it and reciprocating.

                          🔞SMUT WARNING🔞

      Jisung pulled off Minho's shirt as he continued kissing him and then led him by the hand to his bedroom. Jisung pulled his own shirt over his head and discarded it to the floor. Minho kissed all over Jisung's neck before pushing him lightly on to the bed. He eagerly pulled Jisung's sweatpants and boxers off and Jisung sat up and unbuttoned Minho's pants. Minho stripped the remainder of his clothes off before walking over to his bag to grab the lube and condoms he brought. He tossed them on to the bed as Jisung laughed and said "I see you were expecting something." "Not expecting... just hoping." Minho said grinning. Jisung laughed again as he propped himself up against his headboard. "This position looks familiar." Minho said smirking. Jisung put his hands behind his head confidently as he said "Well don't you think it's time you return the favor."

     Minho blushed furiously at Jisung's words as he said "You are a totally different person in the bedroom Jisung, but I'm not mad at it... it's hot." Jisung's face grew hot as Minho climbed on the bed, grabbing Jisung's semi-hard dick. Jisung gasped softly as Minho wasted no time focusing his mouth on the end of Jisung's cock as he moved his hand up and down the part of his shaft that wasn't in his mouth. Jisung's toes curled as Minho took all of his length into his mouth. "Shit! Why are you so good at this?" Jisung said grasping the sheets beside him. Minho laughed with Jisung's dick in his mouth and almost choked. Minho almost choking on him must have felt really good to Jisung since he let out a loud sound as he held Minho's head down slightly. Minho lifted up coughing as he said "Geez Jisung are you trying to gag me? I almost threw up." "Sorry, I guess I got carried away..." Jisung said breathlessly. Minho wiped his mouth and chuckled as he grabbed the condom he had put on the bed.

      He went to put it on himself when Jisung stopped him. Minho looked up at him confused as he asked "What?" Jisung looked down to his own stiff erection and blushed not wanting to say it. "Oh! You want to top?" Minho said. Without saying anything Jisung pulled Minho's face to his and kissed him as Minho straddled him. He grabbed the lube Minho had brought and squeezed it into his hand, reaching under Minho and rubbing his hole as he continued kissing him. "Is this ok?" Jisung asked. Minho bit his lip and guided Jisung's finger into his hole as he returned to kissing him. Minho moaned as Jisung added another finger. He licked up Jisung's neck sensually, letting him know that he liked how he was making him feel. Jisung fueled by it, began fingering Minho deeper with a third finger this time. "Fuck! Jisung! I think I'm ready now." Minho said in between moans. Jisung opened the condom and pulled it on to his hard dick, applying more lube before guiding Minho down on to him slowly. Minho moved his hips back and forth slowly with Jisung inside him. After he was used to all of him being inside, Minho began lifting and lowering his ass up and down on Jisung. Minho moaned loudly as he rode Jisung's stiff cock.

      "You're so tight!" Jisung exclaimed. "That's because I don't usually bottom." Minho said breathlessly smiling down at him. "You're going to have to get used to it baby." Jisung said with a mischievous grin, practically panting as Minho moved his hips faster. Minho's eyes lit up with an idea as Jisung called him 'baby'. "Is that right daddy?" Minho said in a sultry voice. Jisung moaned loudly, grasping Minho's thighs as he arched his back, thrusting up to meet Minho's movements. "Oh fuck! You liked being called that didn't you daddy. Is baby making you feel good?" Minho breathed shallowly as he took Jisung down deeper inside of him, bouncing on him now, throwing his head back as he enjoyed himself. Jisung breathed heavily as he lifted up to grab Minho's neck, pulling his head back down to look at him. He wanted to look at Minho's face as he came. "I'm gonna cum baby!" Jisung exclaimed in a strained voice. Minho's breathy voice managed to squeeze out the words "Me too!" They thrust against each other once more with Jisung finishing inside Minho and Minho cumming all over Jisung's chest.

     They cleaned themselves up and cuddled together on the bed. As they held each other looking up at the ceiling, Minho's mind was racing. Soon his thoughts made their way out loud as he said "What if I had such a hard time finding my thing because it wasn't a thing at all, but a person?... What if the thing that makes my eyes sparkle, that I get most excited about, the thing I enjoy so much... is you? What if it's always been you but I just hadn't met you yet?" Jisung turned his head to look at Minho, he could feel himself getting emotional again so in an attempt not to cry he asked "But what about cooking? I thought we decided that was your thing?" "Hmm, maybe I have two things?" Minho said chuckling lightly. Jisung pulled Minho closer to him and kissed his lips softly before saying "In that case, I have two things too."

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