Part 10

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      The next morning Minho woke up spooning Jisung. It felt like a dream having him in his arms. He slowly removed his arm from around Jisung and went to the bathroom to get ready for the day. He looked in the mirror unsure of how to navigate the day with Jisung. 'Should we not let on to the other guys that anything happened last night? Are we a thing now? Does he want to keep it a secret? What if he regrets what happened?' Minho thoughts spiraled. 'What the hell? This insecure crap is not me, I don't know why I'm freaking out.' Minho thought trying to regain some of his confidence. But the truth was he knew exactly why he was freaking out, because it meant that much to him. He was spiraling because he wanted it to mean something, wanted them to be something, together. They both took turns in the restroom getting dressed and barely said two words to one another. Minho's negative thoughts were beginning to seep back in as they headed down the stairs to meet everyone.

     Changbin and Felix were talking up a storm even though they both had dark circles under their eyes and looked exhausted. 'They must have stayed up all night talking. Good for Changbin, he deserves someone who will be sweet to him.' Minho thought smiling subtly at the pair. "Anybody else hung over?" Chan asked holding his head. "No Chan, most people don't get hangovers from a couple of shots." Seungmin said rolling his eyes. "To the slopes!" Hyunjin yelled, full of energy despite the early hour. They rented their skiing gear and equipment and most of the guys headed to the intermediate slopes. "Come on, our bunny hills are over here!" Jisung said excitedly to Minho. "Stop calling them bunny hills, it makes me feel like a baby that can't ski." Minho said pouting as he followed him. "That's what they are called!" Jisung said laughing. Jisung looked at the pouty Minho as he built up the courage to flirt confidently saying "Besides, you can be MY baby that can't ski." Minho blushed remembering their conversation from Bed, Bath & Beyond. "Don't call me that unless you want me to call you your little nickname." Minho said smirking mischievously. Jisung's eyes widened as he said laughing "Really Minho? In front of all the kids?" "So you admit these slopes are for kids!" Minho said laughing as he pointed at Jisung.

      Jisung shrugged before laughing as they walked up to see the bunny hills literally filled with children skiing. Minho smiled as he realized that he had been worrying for nothing, that nothing had changed from before. If anything they almost seemed more comfortable, more connected. They traveled to the top of the novice ski slope and both went down it very slowly doing what they had learned from a 5 minute ski video they watched on the way there. Needless to say they both fell down multiple times. They kept going back to ski down the hill again and again trying to improve each time. They laughed and had a great time but after falling down countless times, Minho said "I think we should go before I seriously injure myself." "Yeah you are so bad at this." Jisung said laughing. "Like you're a pro!" Minho quipped back. "I fell down less than you did! That resort worker looked really concerned when you fell down on that one slope next to the 7 year old." Jisung said smirking.

       "That kid was weirdly good though right?" Minho said as they went to turn in their gear. "Compared to you, yes." Jisung said teasing. Minho rolled his eyes and laughed as he handed in the last bit of his gear. "I am literally so sore. Why don't people talk about how exhausting skiing is?" Minho said as they walked back to the lobby of the ski resort. "I am not even sure if I can call what you did skiing but it would probably hurt less if you didn't fall down so many times." Jisung said. "Alright! I'm going to need you to go back to quiet and shy Jisung, this whole teasing Jisung ain't going to fly." Minho said. "And what are you going to do if I keep teasing you?" Jisung asked smirking. "If I wasn't so sore I would let you find out." Minho said raising his eyebrows. Jisung's cheeks got hot as he smiled at the ground and playfully pushed Minho. "Hey! I said I'm sore!" Minho said rubbing his shoulder. Jisung leaned down and kissed where he had hit. "You're so lame." Minho said even though he was blushing.

      Later that night as almost all of the group had went up to their rooms, exhausted from the day, Changbin and Felix stood in the kitchen looking for a snack. Felix watched Changbin searching through all the cabinets and hesitated, wanting to say something. "So what is it with you and Hyunjin? You like him right?" Felix asked. "Yeah... but he is not interested so we are just friends but I guess I'm kind of hoping one day he will wake up and see me." Changbin replied. "So you aren't open to anything else?..." Felix asked cautiously. "Anything else?" Changbin asked. "Well... I know we just met but... I kind of like you... you are so kind and funny and well... you're really hot." Felix said nervously. "Me? YOU like ME? But you're gorgeous, why would you be interested in me?" Changbin asked. "I just like you, theres no reason why... I just really like you. You're just my type and you're a catch, you don't have to try so hard with someone who isn't interested. I think you deserve someone who will appreciate you." Felix said knowing he might be overstepping his bounds. "Well... I kind of like you too. I mean... whats not to like." Changbin said smiling shyly. Felix blushed, illuminating his freckles with a rosy glow. He smiled brightly and Changbin swooned. He could get used to seeing that smile.
                         🔞SMUT WARNING🔞

      "Shit, I'm literally sore all over, can you check if I'm bruising anywhere?" Minho asked as he pulled off his shirt in their room. Jisung examined him as he sat there on the bed and said in a concerned voice "Oh my gosh you really do have bruises all over!" Minho laid back on the bed, propping himself up with pillows against the headboard. Jisung looked at his body with hungry eyes as he said "I could kiss them to make you feel a little better." Minho smirked and nodded his head for Jisung to go ahead. Jisung climbed over to Minho and began lightly kissing his abs and trailing slowly down. Minho gulped as he said "T-there aren't any bruises there." "Not yet." Jisung said as he pulled the waistband of Minhos sweatpants down slightly and began kissing and sucking on the skin of his hips. Jisung nibbled and sucked on Minho's skin creating little hickeys, making him squirm. "Does it hurt here?" Jisung asked before kissing right below his belly button. "Lower." Minho said. Jisung grinned before kissing even lower on his abdomen. "Lower." Minho repeated. Jisung pulled Minho's sweatpants and boxers down slightly to reveal more of his pelvis. Jisung kissed near Minho's pubic area causing Minho's breath to become more shallow. What was once a sly joke about the pain being lower and lower was starting to become true as Minho was now gaining a painful boner that was pushing against the inside of his pants.

      While watching Minho's face for any sign that he wasn't into it Jisung pulled the pants and boxers down further and began kissing at the bottom of Minho's shaft. Minho let out a breathy whimper as Jisung started going down on him. Minho looked down at Jisung's lips wrapped around his hard cock and wondered how they got there. How he got from staring at the quiet boy in class to having him suck his dick. Jisung took Minho deeper into his mouth as his eyes watered from trying not to gag. Minho moaned loudly as his tip hit the back of Jisung's throat. "Shhh the guys are going to hear you!" Jisung whispered out of breath with a dribble of Minho's pre-cum at the corner of his mouth. Minho nodded quickly just wanting Jisung to return to what he was doing. Jisung giggled slightly at the eager Minho and lowered his mouth back down on to Minho's throbbing member. As he picked up the speed at which his mouth went up and down on his cock, Minho tried to moan quietly. "Shit I'm gonna..." Minho said breathily. As he felt himself getting close he grabbed his shirt from the bed and balled it up slightly into his mouth, he bit down on it, trying to muffle his orgasm as he came hard into Jisung's mouth. Jisung swallowed and licked the remaining cum off of Minho's sensitive dick. Jisung got off of the bed and went to the bathroom, returning with a damp washcloth. 'Geez he's so hot. How did I get so lucky?' Minho thought as he watched Jisung help clean him up.

      On the drive back to the college, Changbin didn't even try to call shotgun and instead willingly sat in the back seat with Felix. After a few minutes of driving, Changbin slowly reached for Felix's hand that was resting between them and held it subtly till they arrived at the college. Everyone said their goodbyes and went their separate ways. Minho climbed into the passenger side of Jisung's car as he drove to drop him off. As they parked in front of Minho's dorm building they sat in silence for a minute before both of them laughed nervously. "Today is a holiday so we don't have our Monday class but am I going to have to wait till Friday's class to see you?" Minho asked. "Let's not worry about that and just rest for now from this long weekend." Jisung asked. Minho looked down sadly, having not gotten the response he wanted. "But the answer is no, there's no way I could wait that long." Jisung added smiling before leaving Minho with a sweet kiss.

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