Part 7

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       It was time for their class again so Minho went to pick up Jisung. They walked and stopped at the usual crosswalk. This time when the walk light turned on Jisung grabbed Minho's hand as they crossed the street. It had become routine and an inside joke at this point but Jisung knew that really he just wanted an excuse to hold Minho's hand. They let go of each others hand as they reached the other side and just chuckled lightly to themselves as they continued walking to their class. When they walked into class they sat together again in front of Chan and Changbin. Jisung went to put his headphones on but paused and ended up leaving them where they were around his neck. He turned and greeted Chan and Changbin and they all talked until class started. Minho was proud thinking of how far Jisung had come since he met him, he had even stopped wearing his beanie to classes completely. Minho leaned over to Jisung during class and whispered "After class let's go to your place." Jisung gulped nervously as Minho's breath tickled his ear. 'For what?' Jisung thought anxiously.

      Turns out Minho just meant they should go to Jisung's place to finish their project. They finished recording their vocals and rap and the project was almost completely finished. "Alright, all I have to do is clean it up and it's finished." Jisung said. "I definitely think we are getting an A." Minho said. "Hey since we finished a little early before our next classes, can you maybe show me one of your songs?" Minho added. "Oh I don't know, my songs are really personal..." Jisung said nervously. "Please, I really want to hear one." Minho said. Jisung looked into Minho's big eyes and figured if there was ever going to be someone he trusted enough to show his music, it would be him. Jisung pulled up his original song titled 'Run' and played it for Minho. Minho sat there vibing to the music until it was finished. "That was you Jisung? You made this?" Minho asked. "Yes..." Jisung said cautiously. "It's so good. The beat and everything was so good but... the lyrics, they are so sad..." Minho said. "Yeah... I can be a bit emo sometimes..." Jisung said laughing nervously. But Minho didn't laugh he just looked at Jisung seriously and said "You are so talented Jisung. The lyrics might be sad but I know there are other people out there that have felt like that. I hope you really try and do something with this because your music could really reach a lot of people and help them feel less alone." Jisung sat frozen, not knowing what to say. He had never thought that what he created would ever amount to anything and hearing Minho's words really touched him.

      "This is truly your thing Jisung, please don't ever give up on it." Minho added. "Now we just have to find your thing." Jisung said trying to take the spotlight off of himself before he started crying from Minho's words. "Yeah, if only." Minho said scoffing. "Well what are you interested in?" Jisung asked. "Too many things. That's the problem. I can never stick with anything. I came to this school on a dance scholarship and was in that degree path for about a year before I got bored. I still love to dance and I'm grateful for my time in the program but it's not what I want to do with my life." Minho said. "And honestly ever since then I have just been trying random things and hobbies while I do all my general studies courses. If I don't hurry up and get in gear I will be graduating with a bachelors in general studies and who the hell knows what I can do with something like that." Minho added. "Well is there anything that hasn't lost your interest? Something you really enjoy?" Jisung asked. "Well... It's gonna sound stupid but... I love to cook." Minho said. "That doesn't sound stupid at all, what kind of things do you like to cook? I would love to try a dish of yours one day." Jisung said. "Really? What about tonight? After all our classes I could stop by the grocery store and cook something for you here!" Minho said excitedly. Jisung smiled softly at the excitement in Minho's eyes as he said "Sure."

     After all of his classes Minho got Hyunjin to drive him to the store to get the groceries needed to make dinner. He didn't want to make Jisung take him because that would take away from the surprise. "So you are making dinner for this guy now? So much for 'focusing on being project partners'." Hyunjin said laughing as he went to drop off Minho. "Well... maybe I can say we are friends now..." Minho said blushing slightly. "Ok, then can I go in and meet him?" Hyunjin asked. "And cock block me?? Hell no!" Minho exclaimed. "Exactly what cock am I blocking if y'all are just friends?" Hyunjin asked teasing. "Shut up." Minho said annoyed. "We are just friends... but maybe we could be more..." Minho added. "Oh really? So you found out he was gay? How?" Hyunjin asked. "It doesn't matter, but I'm 99% sure." Minho said. "99%? What the hell does that even mean?" Hyunjin asked confused. "It means mind your own business." Minho said shutting him up. Hyunjin laughed as Minho got out of the car and he yelled to him "I hope you two have fun! Lots and lots of fun!" Hyunjin winked obnoxiously before driving away. 'I'm going to have to put him in the air fryer later.' Minho thought chuckling to himself.

      Jisung let Minho in and he set down all the groceries in the kitchen. "So what are you making?" Jisung asked. "I can't tell you! It's a surprise!" Minho said excitedly. Jisung giggled at how giddy Minho was. Minho looked through all of Jisung's cabinets and drawers frantically. "Damn it, I didn't think about how you are a single college student and wouldn't have all the tools I need to make this. Are you down to take a little trip so I can buy the things I need?" Minho said. "Uh sure. Where do you need to go to get the stuff?" Jisung asked. "Hmm... Beyond!" Minho said. "Beyond? Are you high right now?" Jisung asked. Minho laughed as he said "No come on, the store Bed, Bath and Beyond!" "Oh! I get it! We don't need bed or bath so we need to go Beyond!" Jisung laughed. Minho smirked because Jisung actually got his joke and thought it was funny. "To infinity and Beyond!" Jisung added laughing. "Ok now you just made it lame." Minho said teasing. Jisung laughed as he asked "But really we have to go there? Couldn't we just run into Walmart to get what you need?" "Walmart?! Are you kidding? Where's your sense of adventure?" Minho asked. "Adventure? Bed, Bath and Beyond is an adventure?" Jisung asked chuckling. "Hell yeah! You just haven't been there with me." Minho said winking.

      Jisung and Minho arrived and started looking for what he needed to cook his meal. Minho pushed the shopping cart around as he said "Man, I wish I could afford my own apartment like you. How do you do it? You don't even work, your parents give you money or something?" "You think I have that kind of money on my own as an unemployed college freshman? Of course it's my parents money." Jisung said. "Well that makes sense with all the expensive ass sound equipment you have... So what I'm hearing is that you are going to be my new sugar daddy." Minho said joking. "Sure baby." Jisung said joking flirtatiously. Minho's eyes widened and his face flushed as he said only half joking "Damn Jisung, you were quick with that one, made my heart flutter and shit." Jisung blushed too as he said stuttering "W-well you said sugar daddy s-so I was joking like sugar 'baby'..." "Mhmm, ok if you are calling me 'baby' should I start calling you 'daddy'?" Minho asked smirking. Jisung gulped hard as he pointed across the store and said "Would you look at those towels! Let's go over there." Minho laughed out loud at Jisung's attempt to change the subject.

      "If I had my own apartment I would definitely go with these curtains, they are so nice." Minho said feeling a black display curtain. "Black curtains? What are you? A vampire? No come on, we gotta go with a lighter neutral color." Jisung said thumbing a olive green curtain. "Says the guy whose apartment looks like a teenage boy lives there. Besides I said in MY fake apartment, what is it OUR fake apartment now?" Minho said. "Sure." Jisung said simply. "Alright then, let's decide on one together that would work in OUR apartment." Minho said trying to contain his smile at the implication of them ever sharing an apartment together. "Well I vote this one." Jisung said still holding on to the olive curtain. "The baby vomit color? Yeah right, no we have to agree so let's keep looking." Minho said with his hand on his chin in a thinking position as he studied the curtain displays. "This one!" Minho and Jisung said at the same time as they both reached for the same cream colored curtain. They both laughed together as they held on to the curtain. "Ok, kitchen appliances next!" Minho said excitedly as he led the way.

      "Alright what about this toaster?" Jisung asked. "A two slice toaster? What is this? The 80's? Come on Jisung, it's our fantasy apartment and you aren't going to splurge on the 4 slicer?!" Minho said jokingly exasperated. Jisung laughed out loud as he said "Geez I didn't know you were so serious about this stuff Minho, so domestic. Do I need to get you one of these too?" Jisung then grabbed a frilly apron off an end cap display and handed it to Minho laughing. Minho grabbed the apron and held it out where he could see it and said "Are you trying to tell me something?" He then showed Jisung that it said 'Kiss The Cook' in big letters across the front. "I-I swear I didn't know it said that." Jisung said like a deer in headlights. "Ok, whatever you say daddy." Minho said laughing as he went to pick up the actual roasting tray that they came there for. "Don't say that so loud!" Jisung said nervously looking around. Minho leaned in to whisper in Jisung's ear "Ok daddy." Jisung turned beet red and his stomach did flips inside of him. He gulped as they continued shopping. Minho felt his ears burning too, embarrassed by his own bold flirting. Even though they had only come in the store for a couple things, they ended up staying for over an hour looking at all of the stuff and planning the decor for their imaginary joint apartment.

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