Part 6

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      They began cracking up at their completely soaked selves as they both went in to his apartment. "Geez it is really coming down out there." Minho said looking out the living room blinds. "Yeah, you can stay here until it lets up." Jisung offered. "Really? Thanks." Minho said not knowing what to do since he couldn't sit down anywhere in his wet clothes. "I think I'm gonna take a shower real quick. Did you want to wash up too?" Jisung asked. "Uh..." Minho said too stunned to speak. "A-After me of course." Jisung stuttered. "Of course! Uh no I think maybe if I could just borrow a change of clothes?" Minho said awkwardly. "Sure." Jisung said as he motioned for Minho to follow him to his room. "I'm gonna go ahead and jump in the shower but just help yourself to whatever fits you in the drawers." Jisung said before walking into the restroom. Minho began looking for a pair of sweatpants and t-shirt by opening the top drawer first and so on.

      As he opened the top drawer he saw that it was Jisung's underwear drawer, and feeling like he was invading his privacy he went to close it before something caught his eye. Low and behold, peaking out from under a pair of boxers was a big purple dildo. Minho's eyes widened at the sight and he quickly closed the drawer blushing furiously. 'Well... that answers that question.' Minho thought as he was now 99% sure that Jisung was gay. Leaving the 1% there just in case he happens to use it with women instead of himself. He then went through the other drawers trying to find some clothes that would fit right. Suddenly the bathroom door opens into the bedroom and out comes Jisung in nothing but a towel around his waist. "Oh. I thought you would be done in here already. I just forgot to grab my clothes before I get in the shower." Jisung said. Minho couldn't help but look down at Jisung's surprisingly fit physique. He gathered himself as he pried his eyes from Jisung's abs and back to his face as he said "Right. I will leave and change in there." Minho then grabbed a random shirt and sweatpants and went to change in the living room.

      Jisung came out of his room after his shower in a big oversized hoodie and sweatpants. It made him look so tiny and cute. Minho on the other hand felt restricted in Jisung's borrowed t-shirt that was a little too tight for him. He had just grabbed a random one having been distracted by what he found in the underwear drawer, and the shirt did not really fit him well. Jisung looked at Minho and the tight fitted shirt. The shirt really showed off Minho's muscular frame but he could tell it wasn't the most comfortable. "Did you want a bigger shirt?" Jisung asked. "Uh yes if you have one please." Minho said. Jisung left for a moment, coming back from his room with a clearly larger shirt. Minho took the shirt from Jisung and paused for a moment. Was he supposed to take it and change in the other room? 'Its just a shirt, we're both guys, guys go around shirtless all the time, it's not a big deal if I just change here right?' Minho thought. He then began stripping his shirt off to put the new one on. Jisung was a bit surprised at first and blushed as he tried to look away but kept glancing back.

      "It's getting so late, I can't believe the rain hasn't let up yet." Jisung said as Minho sat down on the couch with him. "Do you want me to drive you home?" Jisung added. "No!... I mean, we can just wait a little longer and see if it lets up enough for me to walk home." Minho said. They sat in silence for a moment, the sexual tension palpable at this point. "Should we turn on the TV?" Minho said as both he and Jisung reached for the remote. Their hands touched and Jisung withdrew his hand, leaving Minho holding on to the remote as his heart beat faster. 'You barely touched his hand. Calm the fuck down Minho.' Minho thought to himself. Jisung looked over to Minho's muscular hand gripping the remote and gulped hard as he tried to look away. He thought about how their hands had touched before it started raining. 'Was he just making a joke about me needing to hold hands before crossing again? Or does he want to hold my hand as much as I want to hold his?' Jisung thought. He found himself wanting contact with Minho again. Every time their skin touched it felt so warm and safe. He searched for a way to be closer to him and settled with scooting closer on the couch. But Minho must have had the same idea because he too scooted closer at the same time and they were left with their thighs and shoulders touching. Minho decided to act before thinking as he often did and subtly put his arm on the couch behind Jisung. Minho turned on some random documentary on Netflix as they sat and pretended to be interested in it.

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