Part 5

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      Minho was working a night shift at the bookstore on campus one day and was bored out of his mind. Jisung walked into the bookstore and began looking around for something. He walked down the aisles of books until he saw something that caught his eye. What caught his eye was not a book though and was in fact Minho putting books away across the store. Without looking, Jisung grabbed a book off the shelf in front of him to pretend to read as he watched Minho. Minho was fumbling with the books he was holding as he stood on a ladder putting books away high on the shelf. Jisung chuckled to himself watching Minho struggle. Minho eventually finished putting the books away and moved on to a different aisle where Jisung couldn't see him anymore. Jisung brought the book he was fake reading with him as he went in the direction he last saw Minho walking. He walked by the aisles casually glancing down each, looking for Minho.

      He finally found him and walked past the aisle he was on multiple times to keep stealing glances of him. Jisung felt his ears getting hot from embarrassment, not really knowing what brought him there in the first place. He had come there a few times since they met but Minho was never working. Now that he saw him he wasn't sure what to do. What was he hoping would come of meeting him at his workplace? Minho began to notice out of the corner of his eye that someone kept walking past the aisle he was on. He walked to the end of the aisle only to be met by Jisung as he walked by again. Minho's eyes widened as he asked "Uh what are you doing here?" "Oh uh I just came here to get a book." Jisung said holding up the book he had in his hand from earlier. Minho looked at the book and held in his laughter as he asked "Just a bit of light reading?" Jisung then looked at the book he was holding and read the title, 'Fifty Shades of Grey'.

      Jisung gulped as he laughed nervously and said "I-I heard it was a good read..." Minho smirked as he said "If you are into that kind of thing." "Are you into that kind of thing?" Minho added. "What?! No! I-I did not mean to pick up this book." Jisung stuttered as he put the book back on a random shelf next to him hanging his head in shame. "It doesn't go there." Minho said laughing at the flustered Jisung and grabbed the book off the shelf. "Sorry, and I am not into that kind of thing. I just grabbed the wrong book." Jisung said blushing as he followed Minho to put the book back. "I mean what you do in your bedroom is none of my business." Minho said teasing, referencing something Jisung had said before. Jisung sighed heavily as he got the joke. "I get off soon, I'll walk you home." Minho added. "You don't have to do that." Jisung said. "I know I don't have to." Minho said as he turned around to look at Jisung after putting the book back. Jisung suddenly felt nervous under Minho's unfaltering gaze.

     After Minho clocked out he found Jisung actually reading a normal book, waiting for him in an arm chair. "Alright before we go, are you sure you don't want to go back and buy that book you were looking at earlier? I'll wait." Minho said teasing. "Please shut up." Jisung said annoyed. Minho laughed out loud as he and Jisung walked out of the bookstore. They began walking towards Jisung's apartment when they came to the exact same crosswalk that Jisung almost got ran over at. As they waited for their time to walk Minho looked down at Jisung's hand, he wondered if he could hold it again like he did the other day. Would it be weird if he just grabbed it? Instead he decided to subtly brush his fingers against Jisung's hand. Jisung began moving his pinky to interlock with Minho's. Minho felt his heart pounding at the slight touch and they both slowly looked at each other as they awkwardly, sort of held hands. As their gaze became more intimate, raindrops started to fall down quickly upon them and before they knew it, it was pouring. The light told them to walk and Minho fully grabbed Jisung's hand as they ran all the way to Jisung's apartment door, laughing hand in hand in the rain.

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