Part 3

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      Jisung texted Minho the next day asking if he wanted to come over to his apartment to work on the project. Minho was surprised knowing that just the day before it was clear that Jisung was going through a depressive episode, which is why he didn't go to class and the place was such a wreck. Nonetheless, he grabbed his bag and headed to Jisung's apartment. When he got there he was shocked by how clean the place looked inside. Jisung was even smiling when he let him in and Minho couldn't help but grin looking at him too. 'He must feel a little better today.' Minho thought continuing to smile softly to himself. Minho went to put down his bag in the living room but Jisung stopped him saying "No wait, we are going to be working in my room." He gestured for Minho to follow him. They walked into his bedroom and Minho instinctively got nervous. He looked around to see minimal decorations on the walls, a crappily made bed, and a record player on a shelf with dozens of records stored on shelves below it. But the coolest part was the set up Jisung had in the corner of his room. He had a keyboard and a fancy vocal microphone as well as a nice desktop computer with sound mixing boards set up beside it. On the floor beside the set up also sat an electric guitar and an acoustic one.
      Minho immediately noticed a yellow sticker on the electric guitar. "Love me. Suck me." Minho said reading out loud. Jisung whipped around so fast with a bright red face and wide eyes as he asked "E-excuse me?..." Minho's heart fell out of his ass as his mouth dropped and he shook his hands out in front of him saying "No, no, no, I was just reading your guitar!" The loudest sigh of relief came out of Jisung as he turned back around to the set up. "The sticker is based off of a famous Japanese artist's guitar." Jisung said with his ears still burning, unable to look at Minho. Minho freaked out silently behind Jisung as he thought 'I can not believe I just read that out loud. He looked so scared. I wonder if he is even...' Minho's thoughts trailed off as he looked around the room for signs. Signs pointing towards Jisung's sexuality. He wasn't sure what he was looking for, it was unlikely he would find a poster of a half naked guy above his bed or a huge dildo on his dresser and instantly know that he was into dudes. He eventually gave up his futile search and sat next to Jisung by the keyboard. "So what do you want to work on today? The lyrics or the music?" Jisung asked. "Hmm the music." Minho replied.

      Jisung began typing on his computer and bringing up different sound files as he said "Ok so I have already been brainstorming some ideas and have some beats I have been working on. Let me know what you think about them and if we might want to use any of it for the song." Jisung played a couple tracks and spoke about each one with his eyes lighting up more with each explanation. Minho watched him fondly before saying "Oh so this is like your 'thing'." "My 'thing'?" Jisung asked with a curious expression. "You know, the thing that makes your eyes sparkle when you talk about it. Something that you enjoy so much that it almost makes you feel like nobody else could love that thing as much as you do. Everybody has a thing." Minho said. Jisung fidgeted nervously feeling a bit vulnerable before asking "Well what is your thing?" Minho paused as the daunting realization hit him and he said laughing nervously "I guess I don't have one... or at least I don't know what it is yet... I guess I misspoke saying everyone has a thing." "No I think you were right. I think you have a thing you just haven't figured it out yet." Jisung said. Minho smiled lightly, hoping Jisung was right.

      They didn't get together the next day and then it was already Monday, time for their songwriting class to meet again. They had class every Monday and Friday. Minho sat down in the class and waited impatiently for Jisung to come in. He eventually came in with his typical beanie and headphones combo and sat in his usual spot. Most of the time he kept his head facing forward for the entirety of the class but this time he actually glanced at Minho and gave him a 'sup' nod, curling the corner of his mouth into a tiny awkward smile. Minho was elated at the small gesture and his heart swooned. He returned the nod and tried to contain how happy he was as he looked back towards the professor. After class, Jisung walked up to Minho and asked "Do you want to work on the project today?" "Sure. At your place?" Minho asked. "Yeah, I will meet you there." Jisung said quickly, looking uncomfortable at the many people around him glancing at him as he spoke. "Uh... do you think maybe we could walk there together?..." Minho asked nervously. Jisung's whole body froze for a moment before he said "Well... I actually drove here so I have to drive back..." "You drove here? But your apartment is so close, just right outside of campus... anyway ok I can just meet you there then." Minho said. "I do have to drive back but... you could ride there with me if you want..." Jisung offered awkwardly.

      Minho followed Jisung out to his little four door car and got in the passenger seat. "So why do you drive to class when you live so close?" Minho asked. "I'm sure you have noticed by now that I struggle with severe anxiety and a lot of the times there's just so many people on campus walking around at all times and when I'm left to walk by myself with my own thoughts, it can get a bit overwhelming. So I just drive to my classes to avoid that at least a little." Jisung replied. "Not to sound rude or anything but if you struggle so much with a lot of strangers around, why didn't you just do online classes somewhere instead of coming on campus?" Minho asked. "Well I have actually been homeschooled majority of my life and when I graduated high school I figured it was time to face my fears a little but as you see I'm not doing too great." Jisung said chuckling nervously. "Don't sell yourself short. You've done well Jisung, the way I see it is even if you just breathed, you've done well." Minho said seriously. Jisung glanced over to Minho who was looking directly at him and then turned his eyes back to the road. Minho's words were so simple but even so Jisung felt a lump in his throat as his eyes began to well up with tears. He blinked away the tears that were forming quickly before they could escape his eyes but his heart still felt so full.

      They immediately went to Jisung's room to work on the song. "Ok let's work on lyrics today, here's a notebook and we can both write our own verses but I'm thinking the theme should basically be what we like about iced americanos and what makes it better than other coffees." Jisung said handing Minho a notebook. Minho nodded and went to start writing lyrics only to get distracted looking at Jisung. Jisung immediately got to jotting down ideas and lyrics and Minho watched him make his typical focused face that he was so used to admiring in class. With his lips hanging slightly open Minho's eyes were immediately drawn to them. He noticed that Jisung's top lip was smaller than his bottom and blushed thinking about how perfectly his own larger top lip and smaller bottom lip would fit with his. "Minho? Did you even hear what I said?" Jisung asked. "Huh? Yes? I mean no... sorry I didn't... I must have zoned out." Minho said snapping back to reality. "I was asking if you are having a hard time thinking of something since you haven't written anything down." Jisung said. "Oh uh no I have some ideas I just got... distracted..." Minho said before starting to write. "Distracted by what?" Jisung asked. Minho gulped and said nervously laughing "Oh nothing specific."

      After collaborating on some of the lyrics they wrote they decided to call it a day since they both had other classes they needed to go to. "Ok I'm going to head out. See you on Friday." Minho said gathering his things. "Do you want me to drive you back?" Jisung asked nervously. "No, it's so close, I'm just going to walk, it's better for the environment. You should try walking to class more if you can." Minho said. "Right..." Jisung said. "I know you said walking by yourself can be overwhelming sometimes... but maybe I could come and walk with you... you know at least to the class we have together." Minho said. Jisung's heart began to beat faster at the suggestion. "Okay." Jisung said simply, playing it cool. "I'll pick you up Friday then." Minho said trying to act calm and collected too as he walked out of Jisung's apartment. But as soon as Jisung's door closed behind him he was grinning the whole walk back.

      Minho went back to his dorm later that night after all his classes and laid down on his roommate Hyunjin's bed as he sighed loudly. "Hey! Your own bed is literally 6ft away. Get off!" Hyunjin said pushing him off of his bed. Minho plopped down to the floor with a loud thud and just sat there. Hyunjin immediately thought he hurt him somehow as he said "Oh man Minho, are you alright? Why aren't you moving?" Minho leaned back his head to rest against Hyunjin's bed as he looked at him. "Hey, seriously, what's wrong?" Hyunjin asked beginning to get actually concerned. "Well... there's this guy from my class... you know what never mind." Minho said standing up and going to his own bed. "Come on, now you have to tell me. So you clearly like him or something right?" Hyunjin asked. "Or something. I barely even know the guy. We have only hung out a few times." Minho said. "So? It doesn't matter how many times you hang out, if you like him then you like him." Hyunjin said. "I don't even know if he is into guys, he's my project partner, I should just focus on that." Minho said. "Hell no, if he's your project partner then take that time to get to know him. What could it hurt?" Hyunjin said. "I don't even know why I tell you anything, you are such a romantic that you would tell me to pursue him even if he was straight and dating a girl." Minho said rolling his eyes. "Hey haven't all of us gays dated a girl at least once, that shouldn't stop you." Hyunjin said. Minho laughed as he said "Exactly my point. You're ridiculous." "No the point is, you only live once. Go for it." Hyunjin said. "Yeah, yeah, just shut up and go to sleep." Minho said playfully.

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