Part 8

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      They arrived back at Jisung's apartment and Minho got to work on the meal which took over 2 hours. The whole time Jisung just watched him work, he kept offering to help but Minho would always refuse. He watched as Minho prepared everything meticulously. When he was finished, Minho brought his and Jisung's food to the small kitchen table. It was perfectly cooked and plated beautifully. "So what is this dish called?" Jisung asked. "Beef Wellington. Try it, try it!" Minho said excitedly. Jisung took a bite and was overwhelmed by the delicious flavor. He looked to Minho who's eyes were sparkling as he waited for Jisung's review. "Minho, this is amazing! I could be wrong but I really think this might be your thing." Jisung said. A satisfied grin was permanently plastered to Minho's face as he asked "Do you really think so? You like it?" "This is one of the best things I have ever eaten, I'm serious." Jisung said taking another bite. Minho picked up his fork and dug in too. It was already pretty late when they finished eating and Jisung said "It's getting late, why don't I walk you home." "No it's okay, I don't want you to have to walk back by yourself." Minho said. "I promise I will look both ways before I cross the street on my way back. Come on." Jisung said grabbing the key to his apartment.

      Minho led the way to his dorm room and they stopped together in front of his door. Minho fumbled for his keys in his pockets, realizing that he had forgotten them in the dorm earlier. "I forgot my key but it's ok because my roommate Hyunjin is always home, he doesn't have a life." Minho said. "I heard that asshole! How about I leave you out there?" Hyunjin yelled from the other side of the door. "Ok JISUNG, I guess you can go and just leave me here in the hallway." Minho said emphasizing Jisung's name loudly, knowing it would peak Hyunjin's curiosity. And Minho was right because not 2 seconds later Hyunjin was unlocking the door. "Jisung you say?" Hyunjin asked as he opened the door. Jisung was a little taken aback at suddenly having to meet a new person but he tried his best to calm his anxiety.  Anticipating that Jisung might feel anxious with the abrupt introduction, Minho laid his hand gently on Jisung's back to comfort him. Hyunjin glanced down at Minho's hand and smirked as he said "You must be Jisung, I have heard a lot about you." Minho shot him a look and Hyunjin added "I mean I have heard like a normal amount not a lot." Minho wanted so badly to smack Hyunjin right then and there but he held back.

      "He was just dropping me off, thanks for opening the door buddy." Minho said to Hyunjin in an eerily nice tone. Minho turned to Jisung and waved awkwardly as he said "Uh bye Jisung, see you in class." "Hey! I know about him but he doesn't know me yet! Hi, I'm Hyunjin." Hyunjin said as he reached out his hand to Jisung. Much to Minho's surprise, Jisung actually shook Hyunjin's hand politely. "Do you like skiing Jisung?" Hyunjin asked randomly. Jisung looked confused but replied "Umm... I have only gone like one time when I was little." "You should totally come on our ski trip this coming weekend! A bunch of us guys and gays are going to head up to the slopes. Changbin's parents paid for a cabin for us and Minho doesn't have a roommate." Hyunjin said smiling a bit mischievously. Jisung looked really nervous at the entire idea and simply said "Uh can I think about it?" "Sure! No problem! Just let Minho know before Saturday if you want to join us." Hyunjin said. "Nice meeting you!" Hyunjin called out having already turned around to head back into the dorm. "I'm so sorry for all that, he's... well he's Hyunjin." Minho said to Jisung, face palming. Jisung chuckled lightly before saying goodbye and heading back to his apartment.

      On Friday, the projects due date, Minho and Jisung walked to class together but this time neither of them reached for each others hand as they crossed the street. Both of them were very preoccupied with their thoughts. Both of them seemed to worry what it would mean for their relationship once they didn't have the project as an excuse to spend time together anymore. When they sat down in class Jisung immediately put his headphones on and laid his head down until class began. Minho played with his pencil not really knowing what to do. Chan and Changbin watched their strange behavior and looked at each other confused. "Did something happen between them?" Chan whispered to Changbin. "I don't know but whatever it is, doesn't look good." Changbin replied in a whisper as well. Minho and Jisung had to present their song. Jisung spoke shakily in a weak voice at first so Minho tried to do most of the talking as Jisung played the song. Everyone really enjoyed their song and they went back to their seats. Jisung fidgeted in his seat for a moment before grabbing all of his things and walking out of the class. Minho sat in his seat for a minute or so not really knowing if he should follow or not. Eventually he took his bag and left after Jisung. He came out of the classroom to find Jisung sitting against the wall just down the hall. He sat on the ground against the wall with his headphones on and his head in his hands.

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