Part 4

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      Friday rolled around and Minho walked to pick up Jisung for class. He stood outside of his apartment door feeling strangely nervous. He had spent time with him a handful of times at this point and they were beginning to become almost friends but Minho still had a nervous flutter in his stomach every time he knew he was going to see him. Jisung came out the door quickly saying "Sorry I know I'm running a little late, I forgot that I have to leave a little earlier to walk to class versus drive." They began walking together as Minho said laughing "It's all good we can just walk a little faster." They came to a crosswalk and because Jisung was rushing, worried about being late, he didn't check before crossing and a car was coming. Minho grabbed his hand and pulled him back on the side walk just before the car came darting by. Jisung looked at Minho with wide eyes. "T-thank you." Jisung stuttered still in shock. Minho's heart was beating a mile a minute as he looked at Jisung, so grateful that he was there looking out for him. After the shock wore off Minho realized that he was still holding Jisung's hand. The hand he had longed to hold for so long. He didn't want to let it go... so he didn't.

      The crosswalk light came on and Minho continued to hold on to Jisung's hand as they crossed. When they reached the other side Jisung took his hand away from Minho slowly as he laughed nervously. "Did you just hold my hand as we crossed the street like I'm a little kid?" Jisung asked still laughing nervously. "Well if you won't look both ways before you cross that's what I have to do." Minho replied laughing it off. Jisung scoffed as he looked down, his hair covering his rosy pink cheeks from Minho's view. As they walked Minho pushed Jisung's hair back slightly as he said "You didn't wear your beanie for class today." Jisung gulped as Minho's fingers brushed lightly against his face. "I guess I forgot since I was running late. I'm sure my hair looks a mess." Jisung said as he tried to comb it down with his fingers. "I like it messy. Perfect is not my style." Minho said as he ruffled Jisung's hair, messing up what he just combed down. Jisung's cheeks turned a crimson color as he looked away from Minho. 'Shit. Minho you are being too bold.' Minho thought to himself as he looked forward and didn't say anything else until they got to class.

      When they arrived to class Minho went straight to his seat in front of Chan and Changbin and expected Jisung to go to his usual seat too but he didn't. Because they walked in at the same time, Jisung ended up just following Minho to his seat. He felt like it would have been weird to walk all the way there together and then go sit separately. Minho's eyes widened as Jisung sat in the chair beside him and put his headphones on as he got out his materials for class. Minho immediately looked back to see Chan and Changbin's reactions. They were both staring with goofy grins on their faces. "Hey Minho, what's up?" Chan said but gestured and mouthed for Minho to introduce them to Jisung. Jisung luckily was facing forward with his headphones on and didn't see Chan's ridiculous charades. Minho tapped Jisung to get his attention. He pulled down his headphones as Minho said "Uh Jisung, I want to introduce you to my friends Chan and Changbin." Jisung turned around and smiled awkwardly to Chan and Changbin. "Nice to meet you." Jisung said politely.

      "How's y'all's project coming? We are having a hard time with ours because Changbin has been spending all his time trying to get with your roommate who is clearly not interested in him." Chan said. "Really Changbin? Hyunjin? Still? He is way out of your league." Minho said. "It's really just a one sided obsession at this point." Minho added laughing. "You're one to talk..." Changbin said sarcastically under his breath. Minho shot him a look and laughed nervously to cover the silence. "What about you Jisung, do you have a girlfriend? Or a boyfriend?" Chan asked not so subtly. "Uh no I am not dating anyone..." Jisung replied nervously. "Anyway, our song is really coming along because Jisung here is a total producing genius. Y'all should see the set up he has at his apartment!" Minho said bragging but also trying to change the subject. "Really? Me and Changbin are producers too. What kind of beat pad do you have?" Chan asked Jisung. Jisung turned his chair around more to face them as he opened up slightly, talking about his equipment with Chan and Changbin. Minho watched as Jisung's face lit up again as he spoke about music and producing. He desperately wanted something to get him excited like that.

       Minho was really proud of how well Jisung was doing talking with Chan and Changbin but then again he wasn't that surprised. He had known Chan and Changbin for a couple years now and they were both such kind, understanding and caring people that he wasn't surprised they were able to make Jisung feel comfortable. "Hey we should get a snack or something after class if y'all have time. Then we can talk more about your set up." Chan said. Minho studied Jisung to try and see what he was thinking. Jisung looked nervous but eventually said "Ok, we can do that." Minho couldn't believe what he was hearing. Jisung was really down to go get food with these guys he just met today. "Oh man, I can't go, what a shame." Minho said. "What?! You aren't going to be there??" Jisung asked frantically. Minho covered his mouth trying not to laugh at the flustered Jisung. "I'm kidding! Calm down, I will be there." Minho said no longer holding in his laughter. Jisung hit Minho's arm playfully as he turned back to the front of the room wearing a weak smile. Chan and Changbin looked at each other and smirked.

      After class the 4 of them headed to a cafe nearby. Minho ordered iced americanos for him and Jisung of course and the boys all bought an assortment of sweet pastries to try and share together. "So y'all are writing your song about iced americanos? That's so..." Changbin said before being cut off by Minho. "Cute right? Yeah we thought so." Minho said. "It's ok, you can say it's weird, because it is a bit weird, but I think it is actually turning out quite good." Jisung said. "Yeah it's got a really fun beat created by Jisung." Minho said. Chan, Changbin and Jisung then proceeded to go on and on discussing how Jisung came up with the beats and what programs he used. Minho was really happy to see Jisung getting along with his friends and coming out of his shell a little. Minho began to space out as the other boys talked about music production and it made him reflect on how he had ended up there in that class in the first place. Chan and Changbin were actually the reason he enrolled in the class.

      Minho was struggling to find a major and a life path in general as usual and the two boys were so in love with creating music that Minho thought he should give it a go. He had originally come to the university as a dance student, where he met his current roommate Hyunjin. Having a background in music and entertainment, it wasn't such a far leap to try it out. He figured even if he hated the class at least he would be with two of his best friends. The first class was pretty meh and Minho had already felt himself getting bored. As he was daydreaming on that first day is when he noticed Jisung. Minho slowly returned from memory lane as he thought about if he got nothing else from joining that class, at least he got to meet Jisung. "Are we boring you mate?" Chan asked Minho as he waved a hand in front of his face, bringing him out of his thoughts. "He does that a lot doesn't he?" Jisung asked. "What? Space out? Oh yeah, nobody ever knows what's going on in that head of his." Changbin said laughing.

      "So do you like ever hang out with anybody?" Minho asked as just him and Jisung walked slowly to their next classes, trying to kill a little time. "You mean do I have any friends? No, not really." Jisung replied laughing nervously. "Why not? I mean I know your anxiety must make it difficult but you seemed to get along well with Chan and Changbin." Minho said. "I have always struggled with understanding people so a lot of the time I say the wrong thing and push people away. People also often get tired of me because of my condition, I imagine it gets exhausting. So I guess I have gotten so used to being alone that I have gotten a little weird and I'm just not all that interested in people anymore." Jisung said. "Me neither honestly." Minho said. "But you have a lot of friends." Jisung stated.

      "Yeah... well I guess in my case it's more like I'm not interested in people in the sense of not being interested in what they think. I just like to live my life and not judge how others live theirs. I also tend to speak my mind and have no filter and not everyone appreciates that so I can occasionally rub people the wrong way. I have gotten to where I don't really care about what other people think anymore." Minho said. "I have noticed that, I guess you are a little weird too." Jisung said. "But I like that about you." Jisung added simply. Minho blushed slightly at the unexpected compliment and said "I like you too." Jisung's eyes widened and Minho immediately back tracked having not meant to say that "I meant I like that about you too." Minho added trying to redeem himself. Jisung blushed and played with the hem of his shirt awkwardly as he cleared his throat, trying to move on from the topic.

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