Chapter 1 New Town

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Chapter 1

Lea's POV


My name is Lea Carter I'm 18 years old, I have long brown hair and brown eyes. I live in Los Angeles and  I just graduated from County High School for the arts. I was so happy when I found out I got a scholarship in the UK at the University of Roehampton, London. It's a dancing school. I dance and I act, Isabelle and I were the best in our class. I  really love to dance and act, people tell me I'm an amazing dancer. Some say I'm a really good actor too. I think the best part about all this is my best friend Isabelle is going with me on this amazing adventure. Isabelle got into Music at Kingston University. She has an amazing voice, and I know she'll make it. Isabelle and I been friends since we were really little and now look at us. We graduated High School and now we're going to pursue our dreams.   

I'm a bit nervous about moving but, as long as I have my friend I'll be good. I feel kind of bad because, I'm leaving my mom with my two little brothers, Cory and Finn. Cory is only 15 years old and Finn barely turned 9 this year. Anyways my mom is a single mother, her and my dad and her were always fighting so, they got divorced. I've always helped my mom out so I feel bad for leaving her but, she wants me to be happy and pursue my dream. So that's what I'm going to try to do. It's time to let go of the past and move forward.   I look at my empty room. I just finish packing my last bag, wow. It's time to face reality, I'm going to college and Isabelle and I are going to UK in a couple hours. I'm excited and scared at the same time. We won't really know anybody at least, we'll have each other. I sold my car and stuff that I didn't anymore to get some money. All our stuff was already shipped to our new apartment. This is a really big day for the both of us. I just hope we do alright.    

I go grab my bags and head downstairs. I see a couple of friends and family members. They give me hugs and tell me to do great. "Sister your going to come back and visit aren't you". Finn asks me. I felt water come to my eyes, "Yes I will. Maybe, you and mom and Cory could visit me too." He smiles and gives me a sweet hug. Once we pull away I walk over to Cory. "Does this mean I get your room?" I smile at Cory. "No you don't hehe. Member what I said help mom out with Finn ok. Don't get in trouble and do good in school." I was shocked to see my brother eyes get watery. "I'll miss you sis." I hug him, then go over to my mom.  

"My little girl is growing up so fast." Her eyes are red she's been crying, "Your going to be amazing Lea. Do your best ok." She kisses my cheek. "Love you mom." "I love you too sweetie." I hug her tight not wanting to let her go. The taxi in my front yard waiting. I put my bags in the trunk and tell the taxi Isabelle address. We head off, I'm going to miss Los Angeles a lot. My family and friends are all here. I know if I don't go though my mom would be upset. We pull up to Isabelle house. Isabelle walks out and puts her bags in the back. Then she hops in and sits right next to me. She started to wave at her mom and her 15 year old sister. Once we were a block away Isabelle says," I'm really going to miss them." Me too I think to myself. I'm really going to miss to miss my family. "Yeah me too Isabelle hopefully we won't get lost in this town." She giggles. Isabelle and I chat until we get to the airport.  

Isabelle's POV


It's been a month, a month since we graduated, a month when I said goodbye, six months since I found out I got accepted. I'm packing up my last box, everything is already gone, shipped off to my new home. I sold all of my furniture and my car. I was going to give it to my sister but I needed more money to get a good start in my new home. I just got accepted to Music at Kingston University all the way in London and that is a huge thing for me. My best friend Lea got accepted to the University of Roehampton which is also in London. We are excited for this new career choice we are taking. We are just two girls that just graduated from Los Angeles County High School for the Arts. Getting accepted to those big schools in the UK is a major thing for us.   

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