Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Lea's POV


I wake up at 10 in the morning. I'm very excited and a bit nervous about to today. Excited, cause I get to spend the day with Harry again. Yet, nervous because, I don't want to fall for him even more. I know when we move in its going to be really hard for me. My phone start to ring, it's Harry."Hey Harry what's up?" "Lea, I'm going over right now I need to talk to you." then he hung up. What was that? I hope he is ok. I look in the mirror, I fix my hair and my pjs. Then I hear a knock on the door. I get out of my room and go answer it. Harry walks in and closes the door.

He then, grabs my hand and leads me to me my room. Once we're in my room he locks the door,,"What w-." Harry cuts me off my kissing me. There's that spark again. I quickly pull away before I do something stupid. I go and sit on my bed Harry sits next to me,"I can't stop thinking about you. "Harry I have a boyfriend you know that." "Tell me you don't think about me." I look at him in the eyes, "You want the truth Harry. You do run through my mind but, I still have a boyfriend who I love and don't want to hurt." Harry looks at the ground, "Lea, I have a suggestion. If you say no I'll understand. Let's be together on the side." I was shocked to hear Harry say that. I didn't think he was the type of guy. I never cheated either on a boyfriend. "No Harry I can't." He gives me the puppy dog eyes, "Please." Then he tries to kiss me again. I didn't let him though. Don't get me wrong I love the way he kisses me but, I just can't hurt Jessie. "Think about it ok Love," he gets up and walks out my door. I decide to take a shower and get ready for the day.

Once, I'm out I get dressed. I just put on some sweats and a black t-shirt I mean, all we're going to do is pack. I hear a knock on my door,"Come in." I turn around to see Jessie,"Even in sweats you looks so hot babe." He moves closer to me and gives me a peck on my lips. "What are you doing here?" I felt like it was a bit rude saying that but, I was just wondering why he was here. "I miss my hot girlfriend." I notice when I first met Jessie he would call me cute, beautiful, and gorgeous. After months he started calling me hot, smoking, and all that. "We packing today?" "Yeah." Jessie walks out to get Harry to help us. I see Justin and Belle walk into her room to start packing. Harry and Jessie walk into my room soon after." What do you want to start with?" Harry asks me."Let's start with my posters." I tell him.

Jessie starts to rip them. I was kind of mad, I mean I still wanted them. Then he gets to my Harry posters,"No." Harry and Jessie look at me."What babe?" " I want to keep those posters." Harry smiles at me."Why I mean your going to live by them." I take the One Directions posters down and fold them nicely. "I'm going to take them ok." Jessie doesn't seem to happy when I say that."Whatever you want your highness." why was he being such an ass with me. "What about your shoes?" Harry asks me. "Um well throw them in this bag." I help Harry throw my shoes in the bag. Jessie just on his phone now, texting smiling. "Um Jessie you going to help?" Harry asks him. "Give me a minute."

Once, Harry and I are finished with the shoes we move on to my clothes. Harry started laughing when, he saw my Harry Styles shirt. "I look good." we both start laughing. Jessie still hasn't helped us since the posters. He is just on his phone. "Don't pay attention to him ok." Harry tells me. We continue with my clothes and take a break. We all go into the kitchen for a snack. "Man, we've been working hard." Jessie says. Harry gets mad, "We? Dude, you just been on your phone."

Jessie gets mad, "I helped you guys Harry." "With the posters Jessie." I never seen Harry or Jessie mad. Well I've seen Jessie mad with the Edward thing but, other than that. "Harry I've helped you guys a lot!" "No you haven't Jessie! Your on that phone!" Harry starts yelling. It causes Belle and Justin to come out of Belle's room. "What's going on?" Belle asks. "Harry acting like a dick." Jessie tells her. "What's going on Lea?" Justin asks me. I start laughing and all I'm doing is laughing. Everybody just looking at me like I'm crazy. "I'm sorry it's just can Harry and Jessie just shut up." Jessie looks at me and then he looks at Harry,"You could stay and help her then I'm out." He starts walking out and I follow him, "Where are you going?" He opens the door,"Lea, I just need my space." and then he gone out the door. Why is Jessie being so different lately?

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