Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Lea's POV


It's Monday, wow the weekend went by fast. This day could either help me or, maybe destroy me . I have no idea but, Im glad I made it this far. Today we will meet Simon Cowell. If he likes us our life could change. I really hope Isabelle gets accepted. I worked really hard for all this and, I know Belle has too. We got chosen to audition , to finally get our talent discovered! If we get chosen we will get excused for the semester. That if we do though. If we don't I know we will still do our best in school. I know we won't give up on our dreams. I decided to wear my blue blouse with some black with white strips pants and, some converse. Isabelle wore her yellow blouse, black decorative shorts, and blue heels. We finally left the house and we took her car. We leave to the heart of London. I'm very nervous but, still proud.

When we get there I feel a bit more positive. I mean at least I made it this far. I know Isabelle and I could do I know we could. I just need to calm down already. We get there a bit early which I'm really happy that we did. When we walk in, we quickly get directed into a room, where there are more students at. It was really cool to know that Simon Cowell was doing this. I mean you see him on TV and he seems real mean but, I think he has a soft spot. He just might not like to show it. Then again, who knows. I try to look to see if I see anybody I know but, I don't which sucks. Well I only really know Edward from my school. I was really happy that there wasn't any cameras watching us, recording us. It's private so no one was aloud to know who audition or who won. Only Simon gets to watch us. Thank gosh.

Then more people start showing up. Soon, there was about 30 people in the room. Yet, only 8 get their dream come true. I was nervous but, I was hiding it once, I saw Isabelle get shaky. Luckily we found that kid named Zack so he helped me calm her down. Then somebody yells,"Sit down! He's coming!" then he walks and everybody stay quiet. Not one peep out of anybody. Simon Cowell was standing right in front of us. The owner of Syco Record and not to forget my favorite show, The X-Factor. He could change everything for me in this very moment. Let's just hope he thinks I'm worth it. If he don't back to school and doing my best. I think without a doubt Belle should get picked 100 percent.

Then Simon starts talking,"Hello everybody. As you may know, you are all here because you are the most talented in your school." He looks at everybody in the room," Well I need to see you audition and the only way you may perform is singers solos, duet. Dancers have to be with one singer and if you decide to do a group, it has to be four two dancers and two singers. You may have a couple hours to practice but, if you are ready you may come into the auditorium and you will go straight up and audition right there and then. Just tell the man in the backstage of the auditorium what song and he will play it. We have all day so don't feel rushed."

Then he walks off. Everybody has this shocked look on their face. He acts like its just so simple to do. I look to my right and see Edward sitting by me, "When did you get here?" I swear I did not see that boy."Just right now. Haha want to do a group together?" I nod my head him. Maybe with him I won't be so nervous. We could also use Belle. All of a sudden Zack stands up and tells us to wish him luck. He already going to go and get it over with. I wish I could do that. Isabelle starts talking to him. Then he turns and walks into the room. Man, that guy is brave.

She looks at me, "He is how are you going to do it?" I ask Belle."Honestly I don't know?" I chuckle at her,"How about we do a group me, you, Edward over here and uhmmm let's find another singer." Belle looks to my right and she jumps. I guess I wasn't the only one who didn't notice Edward. He starts laughing at Belle's reaction. They then introduce themselves to each other."Ok let's do it." Isabelle says,"But who is going to be the other singer and what are we even going to sing." "Let's figure that out after we find the other singer." I tell her. She nods her head and we all start looking around. I couldn't really tell who we're singers and who were dancer. I notice that Rachel girl walk in by herself. Wow, I wish I was able to be like that so confident in myself. I notice Belle starts walking toward this boy," Belle what are you doing?" She waves me off and keeps walking toward him.

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