15. Continuous

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Draco's POV:

His hand is still in my grasp. I see him shirtless. He looks fit. Just the right build. Then Potter looks... worried. He looks down and his eyes went even wider.

"Did... did I do that?"

I finally let go of his hand. I let him look at my ugly scarred body for just a moment. I felt self conscious right after, so I grabbed a towel and covered it.

"Yes. It's whatever."

I said in dismissal.

"No it's not Malfoy. Merlin I..."

He sighs looking at my face. His eyes were now glassy. By Merlin's grace he had the most beautiful green eyes I've ever set eyes on. What am I thinking? He grabs the towel slowly in assurance. For once, I let him. He took a load of it.

"You couldn't treat it? Make the scars go away?"

I took a few seconds to answer his question.

"No. No, I couldn't. That curse is a particularly powerful spell. I can't undo it even if I wanted to. It's not your fault."

It hit me that we're having this conversation in the bathroom, half naked.

"It is Malfoy, I'm so sorry. I was foolish. I'm sorry for doing this to you."

"Well, Potter. I almost killed you too so you had to make sure I didn't do that. I understand."

I walk out of the bathroom as he follow me

"Yes but not like this."

I turn to him once again, hoping this conversation would end.

"You did what you had to do. It's fine, it's just how it works. We were both trying to kill each other."

Now with no attempt to cover my body, I went on with my business with Potter self-pitying himself. I dried my hair with the towel as he begins again.

"Malfoy, why didn't you tell me?"

"Tell you what?"

"That... that it was this bad."

I look at him. I sigh.

"I just thought... I deserved this. After everything I did, I probably deserved more. And I wouldn't want you to know how... ugly thinga got with my body."

My shoulder are slumped. That seems to quiet himdown. A hand to my bare shoulder. I shiver. He turns me to himself. I look him in the eye with a furrow. My concious went elsewhere at that moment. I kept thinking that maybe somewhere along this journey, I've actually liked him.

And I was dreading about what was going to happen with me and Potter now. Is he going to kiss me? What is he doing? But my words couldn't get out of my mouth, instead now I pay attention to him and patiently see what he's doing.

"You were still a kid, Malfoy."

A breath I've been holding in escaped. I was shaking slightly, trying to hide the fact. His hands slowly went down to my arm, then my hand. I didn't grasp it back. I just... stared.

"You didn't have a choice."

I begin to focus on the details of his face. His eyelashes, his eyebrows, his lips and his skin. He can see how it can flush red even with his tanned skin. He wasn't too tan, but still tanned by all the outdoors activities.

"You okay?"

Potter asks then pulling his hand away from mine.


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