19. Missing

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His grin fell.

"Don't challenge me. I could and I would. It will terrify you to death if I do."

Now I smile.

"It's alright Malfoy, even I know you're a wuss."

He looks at me eyes raised in an offended look.

"Excuse you?"

"You heard me."

He huffs. He stands up and walk over to me. I kept my chin high and look straight ahead to mock him. He bent over to reach my face and by force, he turned my head by grabbing my jaw toward him. For a second I can tell he was teasing me. He kept a small smile.

His face was a few inches apart. Quite far, but close enough for me to see his blazing eyes clear as day. Grey, like a sword gliding onto skin. It was beautiful up close. The situation was a joke, but now I felt like closing the gap that's holding us apart.

How badly I want him to just connect his lips with mine.


Our heads turned to the voice that instant, as Malfoy stood straight. It was Parkinson. Malfoy glanced at me and casted Muffliato. I frown slightly. She tries to hug him, and without a flinch, Malfoy held up his hand to stop her.

I felt jealous. I know the reason, but I'm not sure why I'm so bothered by it. I see their lips move. They're talking, but I don't know about what.

Draco's POV:

"Draco I missed-"

She attempts to hug me and I heartbroken-ly stop her. I missed her. I haven't seen her for a while.

"I'm sorry Pans. You can't touch me."

She's angry, pouting.

"Why? Pray tell why you were going to kiss Potter? Are you seeing him now?"

She looks a bit shocked now, processing what she saw beforehand. I sigh, holding up a hand to cover my face.

"Haven't you heard? There's newpapers printing everywhere."

I say, my voice muffled. Then I look up to her, both of my arms crossed.

"Draco, you know I don't read any of those bullshit they document."

"What about gossip? You love gossip."

"I've been away from Hogwarts. I've just came back for Merlin's sake! Will you please tell me what's going on?"

I look down at Potter, he looks at us intently with his brow furrowed. I look back at Pansy.

"I'm married to Potter."

Her eyes widen.

"What? Perhaps I didn't hear that right will yo-"

"You heard right, Pansy. I'm a married man."

I roll my eyes as I added.

"I was forcibly bonded with Potter. I'm now married according to the law. We can't touch anyone."

Pansy look at me, taken aback. She continues to ask about the bond and I answer her every question. She looks at me sadly.

"I'm sorry Draco. I wish I was here for you sooner."

I give her a small smile.

"You're here now, Pans."

She took a breath.

"We'll talk sometime, okay? Catch up with things. I still have some classes left."

I nodded

"Alright. I'll see you."

She goes right past me. I flick my wand as the charm worn off Potter. He looks at me angrily. I'm confused. I went back to sit down and his gaze followed my every move. After I've sat, I ask him.

"Yes? Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Why did you Muffliato me?"

I look at him with a straight face.

"...To have a conversation?"

He shook his head while rolling his eyes.


He went back to completing his left assignments. Strange. After helping Potter with some of his work, we were done. He let out an exasperated groan and stretched himself.

"I feel lots better."

"Should be. Want to take dinner in the kitchens?"

He nods weakly.

"After you put the books in our chambers."

He looks at me blankly. Then groans yet again.

"Alright fine, we'll leave it here. But we'll come back after getting food."

With a little more enthusiasm, he nods. Both of us went straight to the kitchens. Tickling the pear, it reveals elves cooking and such. We went ahead and stole a few. We put them in a small brown bag we found laying ontop of a table and got out.

We searched again for the spot while I carry the bag. We finally found it. Harry waits awhile and admires the full moon.

Harry's POV:

The full moon reminds me of Remus. And Sirius too.

"It's beautiful isn't it, the moon?"

Malfoy says, near me.

"Yes. Breathtakingly beautiful."

I took my mind off of it and continued carrying the books up to our chambers. Malfoy opened the door and I quickly ran to the couch and dumped all of the books on it.

"Oh, my arms are sore."

"I'm sure."

Malfoy says while walking to the other side of the couch and me, behind him following. As he sat down, he pats the couch next to him. I sit down. Close. He opens the bag and continued eating it while staring off the fire. It wasn't awkward.

It was comfortable.

"You have to eat the medicine after, right?"

I ask him, remembering about some pills Madam Pomfrey gave him.


He replies shortly. I pulled out my wand and got the pills for him. I place it on my lap, still eating. After both of us had finished, Draco wiped his lips with a cloth he keeps in his pocket.

"You keep that around?"

He raised an eyebrow and looks at me.

"Yes. For things such as this. Having bread crumbs around your mouth is not an attractive look, Potter."

I huff with enjoyment.

"I'd be covered in swamp water, dirt, you name it and fans will pay no mind and still say I'm an eligible bachelor."

He puts it back in his pocket and nods idly.

"That's true, you can look like an absolute dog and still get girls mooning over you."

I shrug. He takes the pills from my lap and took a few, placed on his hands. He took all of them in one go and swallowed it in a second. Impressive.

"Shall we go to bed then?"

I nod. It's quite late now. So we quickly got ready to sleep. I close my eyes thinking about how to avoid the press for tomorrow's break.

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