16. Quiet

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Then just like that, I'm back. Curious. Sirius hadn't had any love interests. I mean sure, he's been in prison for the longest time but still. His youth, though expected by him, but he has never had interests for women. Or for this matter, other men. He didn't show it, at least.

It was confusing before this. Sirius was a handsome man. He was quite the gentlemen. Yet he had never dated anybody. Not to my knowledge. I still have yet to read his diary. The way he writes and thinks of Remus is exceptionally romantic.

It has and will always been Remus. I know that now.

I look over to Malfoy. He's already asleep. Lights are off. His back is on me. I prepare myself to sleep. I keep the diary safe and tucked myself in. This routine keeps going on repeat over and over.

I'm beginning to feel a little bit stuffy here.

Draco's POV:

I woke up abruptly, outside still dark. It's very early in the morning. Means I get time for myself. my throat feels scratchy, dry. I touched my face, my jaws and cheek and without a mirror I can tell I'm getting far more skinny.

I look at my hands and give out a deep sigh. I haven't been eating as much ever since I got to this school. I mainly play around with food or took a few bites. I feel ill. I feel so terribly ill. I crawl over to Potter on this massive bed.

I touched his arms, shaking him slowly. Touching him already gave me a sense of relief. He stirs awake with a tired huff.


I think to myself and leaned over to the headboard deciding if I should tell him I feel sick. We're partners by bond now, so I should. But if I tell him this, I'll look pathetic and weak. Like a dog wanting his owner offer comfort.


I turn to him.

"I'm not feeling well."

He sits up slowly, still half-asleep I assume.

"Are you okay? Sick?"


I blurted that out. I'm not sure how to react to someone caring for me. Not from Potter especially. Even after all this. Especially after all this. Potter seems wide awake now.

"Alright um... You want to go to Pomfrey? Can you even walk there?"

I roll my eyes. I sneer next to him.

"Yes Potter, I can goddamn walk. I'm not going to Madam Pomfrey for something small such as this. I woke you up for your help.'

"You're still sick, yes? I'm not a nurse or a doctor. We're going."

And so even as stubborn as I am, off we went to Madam Pomfrey's hospital wing. No student were up yet and were not supposed to. So it was... a memory walking through the school in a cold, quiet atmosphere.

It was empty, everyone has not woken up yet. Our shoulder's bumping against one another and my shivers of cold. Harry stops and turns to me, in the dark I could not see his face clearly, until the moon shines on his face. A soft gasp escaped my lips.

Merlin has bestowed beauty onto him, his youth favoring him. He looks so beautiful under the moonlight, more than I ever cared to admit. I kept staring at his face, as did he and I wonder how stupid we look to other people if there were any.

But I could not pull my eyes off from him. Because of all my years hating him, throwing hexes at him and throwing the nastiest insults, I have never once paid attention to how beautiful he looks. If I did, nothing would change. No, absolutely not.

No matter how beautiful, the hatred we have for one another is inevitable. It was written in the books. But I curse myself for noticing this now, just as we were forcibly bonded together. God forbid I fall inlove with my arch nemesis now. He speaks, in a soft voice.

"Are you cold?"

Now feeling the shivers I've had since before I admired his beauty, I let out a shaky breath.


"You didn't bring a coat with you?"


He gives me another soft smile. One that I unconsciously like. He takes off his jacket, and swished it around me and to my shoulders. For a moment I paused.

"You ought to put your arms in there."

And I did as he told.


He asked. I took a moment before replying.


Giving him a small smile. Which I immediately dropped. As we continue walking through the quiet halls, our hands touched. Many more times even when we've reached Madam Pomfrey's hospital wing.

"Madam Pomfrey?"

Potter shouts. The echoes followed. Pomfrey went straight to us.

"Oh dear me, what are you doing up lads? I've seen how often you come here."

She says in a tired voice.

"He's ill."

She gives out a sigh before helping me. She ushers us to the seating area as Potter watches us while standing up with his arms crossed. Pomfrey looks worried seeing me clearly. She looks at Potter before turning back to me.

With a flick of her wand, she casted a Muffliato charm. Me and Potter look at her confused. I can tell he's immensely annoyed. The amount of time he'd been Muffliato'd was hilarious.

"Have you been eating?"

My confusion washed away, I look to the side, thinking if I should lie.


Lying is going to do no good. She knows. She sighs. That's the 2nd sigh. She shakes her head.

"You're getting awfully scrawny, young man. The colour in your face is slowly fading away. You're fading away."

I look down, quite ashamed. I fiddle with my fingers. Potter looks curious.

"I will prescribe you pills to enhance your appetite and some antibiotics. Magic can't fix this, Mr. Malfoy."

I nodded slowly. She walks away while flicking her wrist to remove the charm on Potter. He immediately asks for me.

"What? Why do you look so worried?"

I roll my eyes.


I stood up as Potter follows me to Madam Pomfrey. She hands me pills in a container.

"Eat these daily. After eating."

She looks at me dead in the eye. For a minute I'm actually quite terrified of her.


As we both head out, Potter stays silent for a while. But I know he will ask and I'm trying to think what answer I should give.

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