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Third person Pov:

Hoseok woke up feeling really tired from staying up late watching movies and playing video games. He went to his wardrobe to look for clothes to wear, after he got dressed he called his friend yoongi to pick him up so they could go to school together like every other day.

"Hoseok are you okay? You look really tired"
Said yoongi worried about hoseoks health.
"Yeah I'm fine just stayed up late that's all"
Said the younger of the two.

The ride to school was calming with some of yoongi's and Hoseoks favorite music playing in the radio. After some minutes they arrived at school.
"SEOKKKK!!!" Jimin was yelling for Hoseok once he saw Hoseok arrive ready to tell him the news he had just found out from overhearing his principal in the front office.

"Hiii jimin what's wrong why are you yelling this early in the morning???"
Said Hoseok sounding tired. "OKAY OKAY oops okay I'll stop screaming, I just found out that the test we were having got canceled!!!"
Jimin said with joy. "Wow I'm glad, I didn't study at all this week!" Hoseok said smiling.

"OH last but not least I also heard we are having a new teacher for our home room class!" Jimin was saying with even more joy than before. Everyone hated their old teacher so Hoseok and jimin were both happy.
They started Walking towards their home room class after waving goodbye to yoongi who was just listening to both of them rant about how much they hated their old teacher.

Oddly enough they both arrived first to greet the new teacher just to get on their good side.

Once they both got in the class jimin and Hoseok were left speechless due to the new teacher looking so young and handsome.

"Hello!!!" Said jimin followed by a "hi" from Hoseok. "Hello you two" said the teacher, "are you two in my class?" He questioned. "Yup!" Jimin said cheerfully. Hoseok was just in disbelief of how someone could look so young and good looking.
After a while of talking with the new teacher who they soon found out was named Mr. Kim the bell had rung, jimin and Hoseok went to their seats and watched as Mr. Kim taught the class.

After the bell rung for lunch jimin and Hoseok ran out of the class to the cafeteria and sat down waiting for the others to get there.

After some minutes of waiting everyone was there except namjoon. "Jin hyung where is joon hyung??" Asked jungkook. "He is fighting with someone again." Said Seokjin in a disappointed voice. Just as Seokjin said that namjoon showed up without a scratch. "Sorry I'm a bit late guys I had to deal with something" said namjoon after taking a seat next to Seokjin.
Soon it was time to go home after everyone said goodbye to eachother yoongi was driving Hoseok home.

"So how was your new teacher?" Asked yoongi trying to start a conversation with Hoseok. "He was okay." Hoseok talked while looking out the window. "He was really handsome.." said Hoseok out of the blue. "More handsome than me??" Asked yoongi with a smirk on his face. "Huh? Wait omg I said that out loud" Hoseok said embarrassed. "It's okay, don't worry I won't tell no one that you find your new home room teacher handsome. I mean hasn't everyone called a good looking teacher handsome before?" Said yoongi trying not to make Hoseok worry to much about what he just said.
After arriving at hoseok's house yoongi said goodbye and so did Hoseok.
There might me some misspelling on this or in future chapters it's just that I'm trying to hurry and make as many as possible and this is kinda rushed just because I want to finish this book.
Pleaseee don't expect this book to be amazing, this is my first ever book I made so I won't be surprised if it's not good.
And if you do like it so far ILY!! 💜💜💜

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