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It's been a year since I've been away from home. I turned 17 the year I had left home and now I turned 18 some days ago! And well I finished all my classes earlier since I was taking advanced classes. And I'm finally heading homeeee!

"Hoseokkk I'm going to miss youuuu, don't leave meeee!" Lisa kept crying and hugging me while I was trying to pack my clothes

"Lisa, I want to tell you something. You know how we are Best friends and you always wanted to visit South Korea? Well you are coming with me!"  "So hurry and also pack things because we both are going!"

"AHHH! YES I LOVE YOUUUU I WON'T BE ALONE!!" Lisa was now yelling with excitement I'm glad she is happy!

After me and Lisa both packed our things and arrived at the airport we went inside our plane once it was our turn to leave.
I'm so happy I'll be able to see Beomgyu in person again! He also looks like he grew a lot, he isn't the tiny Beomgyu anymore.

"I've never been in a plane before it's kinda scary." Lisa said while looking out the window. "Well then you should take a nap and by the time you wake up we will arrive" I said to Lisa. "Okayy" and with that Lisa fell asleep.

••At airport••

"Lisa we arrived let's get off" I said while shaking Lisa a bit.

After she woke up we both got off and I dialed my mom's phone number.

"Hoseok!! Did you arrive!?" My mom sounded excited

"I did mom! Can you pick me and my friend up?" I asked her and she responded with okay, after waiting a bit my mom arrived by herself and drove me and my friend home.

"I can't wait to see Beomgyu!" I said. "Beomgyu is your child right Hoseok?" Lisa asked to just make sure Incase she had forgotten.
"Yup!" I responded.

When we arrived at home the first thing I did was run towards the door and started knocking.

My dad opened the door and he gave me a hug then stepped aside.

"Beomgyu!" I said running towards him and hugging him into a tight hug.

"Mama! You home!" He said.  How I missedd himm!

"How are you buddy??" I asked while giving him kisses all over his face

"Haha mama tickles!" Beomgyu said while giggling.

After a while of me and beomgyu Playing around he fell asleep.

"Hoseok" my mother called me.

"Yes mom?"

"Are you going to apply for college?"

"Yup and what's better is that I'll live here and study here from now on, I've gotten over that stupid teacher."

"Okay is Lisa also going to college with you?"


••Last week of summer••

"Nooo I don't want to go back to studying!!!" Lisa was whining

"Me neither! I won't have many time to be with Beomgyu!" I was whining with Lisa now.

"Hmm. Lisa want to go to the beach? We can go with Beomgyu! I don't think he's ever been at the Beach, so let's go shopping first"

"YES!!" Lisa was excited so she went to grab the keys and beomgyu and we went inside the car and started driving.

"Woah. Someone is excited!" I look at Lisa

"Yup I love the beach!!"

When we arrived at the mall we first went shopping for me and Lisa.

"Hobi look at this one! You think it would fit me?" Lisa asked while holding up a bikini she found.

"Yeah! It looks really pretty too!" I replied

"Okay! Now let's look for your outfit!" She said

After we found mine we headed towards the baby/toddler shop

"Beomgyu do you want a bear outfit? Or a dinosaur one?" I asked Beomgyu while holding up two different swimming outfits.

Beomgyu was making grabbing hands but I still didn't know which one he wanted. "pick baby" I said giving him a kiss on his forehead, he is so cuteee.

"Papa!" Beomgyu yelled while making grabbing hands at someone

"Huh?" I turned towards the person Beomgyu was looking at and I saw him.



He ran towards me with a newborn looking baby in his arms. If it was what I was thinking I will surely start tearing up.. I know I said I didn't care about him anymore but he is the reason why I still believe in love.

"I'm sorry for everything Hoseok! I'm so.. sorry.. please forgive me sorry I never said anything to defend you and beomgyu I'm so sorry.." taehyung said crying.

"It's okay.. I forgive you."  idiot! Why would I forgive him so easily!? See what you do to me Kim taehyung!

"Well. Who is this little girl?.." I asked looking at the baby in his arms

"Huh?, Oh her name is jiyoon.. she. She is my daughter." He said looking down

I started crying, why am I crying. I don't want this man to see me in this state.

"Mama no cry! Papa bad!" Beomgyu said while making an angry face at tae

"Hoseok why are you crying?" Taehyung said while trying to wipe my tears from my face.

I moved his hand away from my face.

"Do not touch me. Why would you care now? If you didn't care about us why care now right? Seems like I was the only one who thought me and you would find a way to stay with each other. Looks like you are living your life to the fullest to not care about your own son and to have another child with someone you claimed you never loved!" I hate him! I was crying so much my tears won't stop.

"Hoseok.. please it's not what it seems like!" He said trying to reach for me again

"I never wanted to have a child with her and you know it! Hoseok give me another chance I promise to not mess this one up." He said looking at me in the eyes

"Tae. You are married now. And with a child at that. I don't want that child to grow up without a father like mine is.." I replied

"I'll divorce her! My mother is not feeling well.. she in the hospital and she doesn't know what goes on in the world while she is there." He said

"Tae. I know but it's the baby I'm worried about.." I said

"Hoseok is there never a time when you think about yourself first? , What about Beomgyu huh? He needs me too!" He said looking angry now

".. give me some time to think please.." I told him

"Okay.. please unblock my number so we can talk.."

And with that we parted ways again.



When people vote on the book I get more motivated to write so please vote, thank you all!

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