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••at Hoseok's house••

"So Hoseok why are you crying so much?..you know I hate to see you cry this much..me and your father regretted kicking you out so much..we are sorry.. " my mom said calmly while she hugged me from the side

"It's okay mom.i forgive you and father..." I said with a shaky voice

"Aww. Is this the cutie you gave birth to? He is so cute and he is crying can I carry him?" My dad asked

"Yes..his name is Beomgyu by the way.." I informed my dad

••after Hoseok calmed down/no longer crying••

"Okay since you can talk normally and the baby is sleeping, do you want to talk now about what had happened when I picked you up??" My mother asked me

"Sure. I was crying because me and taehyung broke up. Turns out he had to get married with his ex girlfriend because of a deal their parents had made..and it really hurts because taehyung had asked me to marry him some days b..before..." I said trying not to start sobbing, all I was looking at was the floor because if I looked at my parents I knew I would start crying.

"Hobi..come here..it's okay to cry..if that happened to anyone who has a child with that person I'm sure they would cry too.." my mom said. I went in the middle of my dad and mom and started crying they both were hugging me. I didn't notice how much I missed them until now..

••next day••

"Since everyone is awake why don't we play with Beomgyu!" My mom said with a happy tone

"Okay!" I replied. We played and laughed so much almost the whole day It made me feel like I was still a kid playing around with my parents but after a while of playing we sat down.


"Yes hobi??"

"I want to go to a different state..and study over there..I don't want to see his face anymore when I go to school.."

"Hobi are you sure?? I can just make you move schools.."

"I'm sure. Will you take care of Beomgyu for me? Please..?"

".. anything for my baby..I'll pay for everything you need. Your plane ticket and any other things you need. Whenever you need money just text me or your dad and we will send you money.."

"I'll help you pack your bags so you can be gone at night tonight.." my dad said

"I love you guys so much..please remember to call me every day at night so I can see Beomgyu.." I said hugging them

••at night••

I kissed Beomgyu on his forehead while he was sleeping for the last time until I get out of school. I have all my bags packed and my parents both drive me to the airport. When I arrived I said goodbye to them one last time and went inside the airport.

••many months later•• *taehyung's POV*

It's been months since I last saw my two babys.. I wanted to run away there and then with hoseok and beomgyu..me and Jennie ended up getting married..I'm not happy at all in this relationship I just want to be with my child and the person I wanted to marry.

I wonder how they are doing. Hopefully I get to see them some day again because I've noticed hoseok was taken out of school and none of his own friends know what happened to him.

I even asked his best friend Jimin and he himself knows nothing..

Another thing is that Jennie has been wanting to have a child with me and I don't want to so every time she brings that up I just say I'm busy and she leaves me alone.

I'm not planning on having any children with someone I don't even love. Please come back to me Hoseok.. I what to run away with you and beomgyu forever and to keep growing our family.. hopefully you don't hate me for being such an idiot and not fighting for us..

*Hoseok's POV*

Ever since I started living by myself I've been scared. But thankfully I've gotten used to being alone I just want to go back home and lay down with Beomgyuuuu. But I'll be back once I turn 18! I've been taking more advanced classes so I could graduate earlier from highschool and go back home even before I turn 18.

••next day••

I cooked myself breakfast and got ready for school. I haven't really talked to anyone in these 2 months I've been here.. because the only thing I wanted was to pass highschool faster so I can go home  and get a job and live with Beomgyu. But I get sad not being able to hangout with friends and stuff. So today I decided to make friends!

As I was walking towards the school I bumped into someone

"Sorry! I wasn't paying attention.." I apologized

"Oh it's okay! Wait I've never seen you around? Are you new??" The girl asked

"Well. I moved here 2 months ago.."

"Ohh...well my name is Lisa! I'm 16 years old what about you?"

"My name is Hoseok. I'm also 16 years old!" This girl can maybe be my first friend here?

"That's cool we are the same age!! Also 'hoseok' isn't really a name from here right? Where are you from??" Lisa asked

"Oh true, I'm from south Korea!" I replied

"Wow that's so cool! I've always wanted to go there since I was a little kid!" She said looking very excited.

•after a while of us talking we became friends•

"Hoseok you are such a funny and kind person hopefully we get to become best friends!" Lisa said

"Well I already have a best friend in Korea.."

"Hmm..well I can be your Best friend from here??" She asked

"Sure that sounds good! Well, we will see each other tomorrow bye!"

We both went separate ways and then once I arrived at the apartment I'm staying in I went inside took off my shoes went to my bedroom and sat down on my bed and called my mother.

"Hello my baby!!" My mom said

"Hi mom..can I see Beomgyu??"

"Sure here he is"

After a while of me talking to Beomgyu and him trying to talk since he still can't talk he fell asleep with my mom, me and my mom exchanged some words and then I hanged up and I decided to fall asleep.



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