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Hoseok's POV:

FINALLY school is over!! Just as I started walking to the exit someone stopped me from behind with their hand on my shoulder

"DUDE wtf let go!" I yelled but immediately regret it as soon as I saw who I was yelling at. Ugh just my luck

"Oh so you also yell cuss words at random people that stop you?"

"N-no sorry Mr.kim!, I didn't know it was you. Can I get going now?" I said hopeful

"I think you are forgetting something?" He said

"I am? What am I forgetting??" I asked trying to remember what I forgot

"You are staying after school with me c'mon follow me to my classroom"

"Oh yeah.." ughhh I don't want to stay here!

Third person POV:

Once they both entered the classroom taehyung locked the door and made Hoseok bend over the desk Hoseok's back facing taehyung

"SIR! WTF ARE YOU DOING??" Hoseok said worried

"Shhh calm down Hoseok, like I said I'm going to teach you discipline"

"HOW? BY RAPING ME?!" "Let go you pedoo!!!" Hoseok kept trying to escape taehyungs grip on his hands while being all scared of what will happen to him

"Wh- WAIT WHAT??" " I WOULD NEVER!" taehyung said letting go of Hoseoks hands, now that he mentioned it, it did look like he was going to how embarrassing he thought

"I was so scared!" Hoseok still kept yelling

"Can you stop yelling at least!" Taehyung yelled back tired of hearing Hoseok yelling

"Okay okay sorry Mr.kim.." Hoseok apologizes

"It's okay, call me taehyung please it's not school hours anymore

"Okay taehyung!" Hoseok said excided he will be able to call him something else than 'Mr.kim'

"But just because of what happened earlier does not mean I won't be able to teach you a lesson Hoseok"

"Mmm okay.."


"O-ow!" Hoseok said crying

You might be wondering why hoseok was crying? Hoseok was currently getting spanked YES SPANKED by his teacher

"Taehyung.. it's hurtss please stop!!"

"No. You need 20 more spankings and I'll stop. This is what u will get for not behaving" he responded

"H-how is this even possible.." Hoseok said between sobs

"It's actually in the school rules meaning I'm allowed to spank you it's just no one uses it anymore to make kids behave."


After the 20 spankings

"okay you are ready to go home hoseok." Taehyung said ready to go home

"A-actually can you give me a ride home? Please I don't like going home alone during night time.." Hoseok said scared

He is scared of the dark? How cute taehyung thought
"Okay sure get in the car and tell me where u live I'll drop you off"

"Thank you taehyung!"

"No problem kid. Just hurry in the car before I change my mind"

And with that Hoseok hurried into the car
. . .

"Thank you taehyung for the ride!, Also I won't misbehave again. I don't like getting spanked like a million times!" Hoseok said blushing lightly

Taehyung chuckled a bit at what Hoseok said

"Okay well that's good to hear. See you tomorrow Hoseok"


Another short chapter sorry! I'm just trying to upload as much as I can it's just my devicessss ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ

But I don't even know where Im going with this I think it's shit so far but who knows

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