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After some weeks pass hoseok and taehyung have got really close that if they go to hang out as friends people would think they were a couple. Some people from their school found it weird why would anyone want to hang out with a teacher?? But Hoseok didn't really care. Mr.tae was a good looking and funny guy.

"Hoseok!!" I hear Jimin yelling for me what does he want now?
He ran all the way to where I was and stood in front of me catching his breath

"Hi Jimin!, What is wrong??" I ask

"Nothing I just wanted to hang with my best friend, I've been noticing you and Mr. Taehyung have been reallyyy close to each other why is that??" Jimin asked me

"O-oh it's obvious???" I ask back

"Duh silly everyone in the school thinks you are just getting on his good side so you don't fail. Some girls that like Mr. Taehyung think you guys are dating or something. They got really jealous haha." Jimin responded

"That's funny."

"Uh Jimin..can I tell you something.??" I say

"Sure! All your secrets are safe with me!" He says taking me towards the restrooms so no one else could hear, after checking all the stalls and closing the door I start to talk.

"Okay..uhhh...MEANDMRTAEAREINARELASHIONSHIP!!" i said really fast

"Uh hoseok you have to be more clear I understood nothing" he says staring at me.

"Oh. Okay me and Mr.tae are in a relationship.." I say in a whispering tone

"OMGGG HOBI!! I knew it!!" He says jumping up and down

"What. It was that obvious!?" I whisper yell

"Wellll kinda? I think I was the only one who could tell. Since I'm your best friend I can read you like a book!" He says still jumping

"Well I'm glad I got it off my chest. We have been dating since last week. And I'm so happy he treats me so nice and always buys me stuff." I say to Jimin who now stopped jumping around

"I'm happy you are happy with him hoseok!, But remember! Don't be doing any sexual stuff because you are still a minor while he clearly isn't. Don't tell anyone you are dating him because they could tell someone and he could get fired." Jimin said sounding worried for me because he knows if that happens I'll be really sad.

"Yes I know Jimin I trust you. Well thank you for listening to me. Bye I'll see you in the next period!" After telling each other goodbye we both go out separate ways so we could head to class.

••••••••••••••••After school•••••••••••••••••

Texting with: Tae🧸🤎

Hoseok meet me at the parking lot I'll be waiting in my car so we can go on a date

Okay tae! I'll cya there.


As I close my phone I start heading towards the parking lot and when I saw taehyung's car he was standing by the door waiting for me to enter. Once I enter the car he closes my door and gets inside the car and starts driving.

"Hi hoseok, I don't want to ask how your day went when I was with you most of the time." Tae laughs a bit.

"Yeah, same here, where are we going again? I forgot." I said looking out the window

"We are going to go eat at a restaurant" he answers


Suddenly I felt his hand going up an down my thigh it startled me at first but I ended up getting used to it.

Once we arrived at the restaurant he got off the car and opened the car door so I could get off, such a gentleman. He also opened the door of the restaurant for me and then we went and picked a pretty table near a large window in the second floor.

"We should gone to my house first so I could of changed from my school clothes.." I said kinda sad

"Aww. Sorry baby but I forgot. Next time I won't forget." He says while holding my hand

After the waiter came we ordered and now we are waiting for our food. While we waited I put my chair next to him so I was able to sit next to him, we took many pictures like a cute couple It was going so well. Until some woman came up to our table.

"Oh my god, is that you taehyung??" She asks

"Oh..yes hello Jennie. Can you go away please? I don't want to talk to you." He responded why does he kinda sound mad??

"Why not?.. hm? Who are you?? Are you taehyung's little boy toy??" He says laughing

"Excuse me??. What did you just call me??" I said getting pissed off by this woman. "Who do you think you are? Being a whole grown ass woman saying that to a kid. You know, I can report that to the police and you can go straight to jail if you want."I said to her

".. whatever you are no fun..anyways bye tae call me if you want my phone number is still the same!." She says winking at MY boyfriend.

I sit back down and fold my arms across my chest.

"Tae. Tell me who was that? Was that one of your ex girlfriends??" I said impatient

"Yes.. Hoseok don't worry I don't like her anymore! She actually cheated on me so I won't ever go back to her, plus why when I have you the most beautiful person I've ever met." He responded

"Okay.. I trust you.." I say slightly blushing at what he said about me

After the food arrived we ate and talked for a bit before we decided to go home, he drove me home and said 'goodbye I'll see you tomorrow'


Lmao I guess my brain telling me I ain't dropping this book.

Anyways any mistakes that's my badd

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