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Once again Tae walked inside the room..
"Im here to let you know some other things. Jennie my 'ex' was never my girlfriend she also works for me, her and Lisa are actually dating. And the baby you saw the other time is their daughter."

"And-" Tae was interrupted by a tiny knock on the door. "Come in" he answered. The door opened to show Beomgyu!

"Mama!" He said while running towards me and hugging me.

"Beomgyu.." I hugged him even tighter and cried. I don't want him to be taken away from me.

"Beomgyu. Go play in your room me and mama have to have a talk.." taehyung grabbed Beomgyu and placed him down from the bed. "Okay daddy!" And just like that Beomgyu ran off to his room.

"I apologize for what I said earlier..I truly love you and I'm thankful that you gave birth to our son.. Hoseok will you forgive me?"

taehyung was apologizing now?.. really? After saying those mean things to me.. "no. I wont forgive you! Let me have my life back! I want to go home!!" I started yelling at him until i felt a slap on my face.

"You ungrateful bitch. Don't you ever dare yelling at me again. I apologized to you just for you to yell at me? If you ever raise your voice at me ill make sure you never get to see Beomgyu's face ever again."

And after he said that he slammed the door and left. What will happen to me?? Will he make me disappear so i wont see beomgyu??" My mind was running with millions of questions until i saw beomgyu stepping inside the room.

"Mama..? I miss you! Papa hit you? you okay??" Beomgyu walked closer to me and hugged me with tears in his eyes.

"Hey baby.. no papa didn't hit me, see i'm okay! So don't cry.." i tell beomgyu while hugging him and wiping some tears away.

"Okay mama.. i will go now papa make me new room with cool toys! And i have new friend!" Beomgyu stopped tearing up and now was all happy, which I'm glad of course because i don't want him having a bad childhood.


I was just watching outside from a window when taehyung walked into the room.

"Hoseok. I apologize once again.. i really mean it i need help controlling my emotions i have been seeing a therapist just for you.. I've never felt like this with anyone so this feeling is new to me...and i will try to be a better husband to you and father to our son so please give me another chance i won't mess this one up.." taehyung said while crying?! Taehyung is crying!

"Uh..wait? Husband??" I looked at him with a questioning face.

"Oh yes.. hoseok will you marry me??" Taehyung got down on one knee and pulled out a tiny box with a ring inside.

"..Tae..are you really seeing a therapist?.." I asked him while looking into his eyes.

"I am hoseok i really want to change so we can be a happy family but you also have to agree with me being a mafia and everything.." Taehyung said in a whisper.

"But wouldn't me and Beomgyu be in danger because of your job?"

"Not really. my mafia is really powerful and not many people know that i am the mafia boss because my identity is unknown so does that answer your questions?" He said.

"Yeah.. okay i agree to marry you" i said and hugged taehyung and he hugged me back.. i forgot how good it felt to hug him!

He gave me a quick kiss and he walked me to beomgyu's room where he was playing with four little boys around his age.

"Mama! Look this is my friends!" Beomgyu ran towards me and pulled me towards his friend and introduced me to them. They all look so cute!

"Okay hoseok ill be going to work ill be home late today and the other four kids also live here since their parents work for me"

he gave me a kiss then he kissed beomgyu's forehead and left.

After a while of the kids playing they all fell asleep cuddled up together so i left the room to look around the mansion since it was huge the first time I didn't get to see it all.

By the time i finished looking around the mansion it was night time so i decided it was time to sleep.

I walk into the kids room and changed them all into comfortable pjs and placed them all into their own beds and closed the door.

They all look so adorable to be honest I wouldn't mind having another kid?..ahhh the baby fever is real. I walked into mine and tae's room I showered and put some comfy clothes and go to bed i figured tae won't be home until later so i just went to sleep first.

The end.


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