
861 10 46

Romantically: 7/10 ?

Platonically: 9/10

Idk this ship messes with my brain mannn. I kind of ship it but at same time Idk.

Like what is the purpose of it being that confusing? I don't get itttttt. Please send help /j

Anyway, I feel like I used to ship this a lot more a few months back and forgot it for awhile before I was reintroduced to it but now it just confuses me.

Should I ship it? Do I ship it? What do I even ship at this point? What should I ship? And a lot more but I'm too lazy to type them.

Anyway, I think that the platonic relationship between them deserves some words from me as well.

Personally, I think that their platonic relationship it a vibe and I would've definitely given it a 10 if Dazai didn't treat Akutagawa like he does. It makes me feel bad for our missing eyebrows, emo boy, obsessed, motorcycle Akutagawa. He didn't deserve any of that.

Your thoughts?
(I'm not going to talk about what I called Aku but it's valid)

Rating BSD ships because I can :)Where stories live. Discover now