
860 7 31

Romantically: 7.5/10

Platonically: 4/10

I've always been quite fascinated by this ship tbh. It's kind of like Dazatsu for me where I sometimes ship it and sometimes don't. The difference is that I kinda like it more at times for some reason.

I feel like it could be really good in a DOA Chuuya AU tbh. And it's quite cute dynamic wise.

I'm just confused on this ship. Just as confused as I was when my friend told me I can't be bisexual because then I would be gone or something? Idk I think she told me it was a joke because of the bi sounding like bye? It was a very bad joke. 😭

Anyway I see people getting hate because they ship this for some reason. Let people have their ships, they didn't kill your entire family or something for just a ship between fictional characters.

People like that make me lose faith in reality.

Your thoughts?

Rating BSD ships because I can :)Where stories live. Discover now