Chapter 4- Vertigo, Matt & Hopefully Not a Gay Bar

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"I still don't see why he couldn't ride with me," Matt grumbled petulantly on the way to his truck. He had fought tooth and nail to get Marcus to ride back with him to his house to start unpacking Aria's things.

"Matt, we talked about this. We all have our own cars. Marcus is going to get us all Chinese, I have to go by Karen's and you have to unload some boxes. Besides, I figured you'd want a chance to pick up your house some for your company," Aria reasoned with a wink. He seemed to think about what she was implying, when his eyes lit up. She knew she'd won when he grinned and bobbed his head, taking off and making a mad dash to his truck.

She pushed "unlock" on the key and her SUV bleeped allowing her to hop inside and head off and after a few minutes, Karen's house came into view; a large white Victorian with purple shutters. Karen was sitting on her porch smoking another cigarette. Her auburn hair was blowing relentlessly around her head, but didn't deter her from her nicotine fix in the slightest. Walking up the porch steps, she fumbled with her new contact information.

"Here's where I'm going to be staying and the house line number if you need to get a hold of me," she said, handing her a small slip of paper. "And here's my last month's rent plus some for the hassle. It should be good to move into in a few days. The cleaners come in two days."

Karen took a long drag, savoring the high and exhaling slowly, smoke coming out her nose and mouth. She seemed to be studying Aria, scrutinizing her decision. It was unlike Aria to pack up her life and move, especially on such short notice. Then again, Karen had heard all about Colin over the last few years. Rumors of drug-running, illegal gun sales, even extortion. The only thing everyone agreed on was how peculiar it was Colin always seemed to have an over-excess of cash at all times.

Karen was sure someone as innocent at heart as Aria didn't know either; probably didn't even suspect a thing. Looking at the young woman now, she didn't see any signs of deceit, poor thing was just scared and terribly inconvenienced. She just hoped Colin wouldn't be causing Aria anymore trouble.

"Sure dear, not a problem," Karen replied. "You have my number if you need anything. Don't hesitate to call."

Smiling her thanks, Aria politely nodded and proceeded back to her SUV. She felt guilty for putting her old landlord through all that hassle, but there wasn't much she could do. She was just glad Colin didn't know where Matt lived. The last thing she wanted to do was drag him into her mess.

Walking into Matt's house, she stopped dead in her tracks, stupefied at the pair of men in the living room. Marcus was sat on the love-seat with his head leaned over the top of the couch. His eyes were closed, well, she assumed. She couldn't tell with the cucumbers laying across them. His face was covered in a sea foam green slime, worthy of making creatures from black lagoons weary. Matt was seated on the other cushion of the love-seat, applying something onto Marcus's fingernails.

Man-scaping? She was gone maybe forty-five minutes and Matt had already converted him?! That little shit had talent, she'd give it to him. Too bad too, Marcus had potential.

"Don't let me interrupt your make-overs. I'm just going to eat the food before it gets cold. Carry on gentlemen!" Aria greeted smugly.

Both both jumped apart like the other had the plague, splattering cuticle oil, cucumber slices and facial peel. They looked completely flabbergasted and Marcus was almost blushing through the goo covering his face.

"Aria! It's not what it looks like!" Marcus tried to reason. "He said you like when men take care of themselves and it would get rid of wrinkles!"

That did it. She burst out laughing at Marcus trying to defend himself. Was he worried about what she thought? Surely not. Any man as handsome as himself never cared what a girl like her thought, right?

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