Chapter 7- Hit-men and Handguns

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Marcus had to plan this just right. If he wasn't careful, the stranger in Aria's car would end up making target practice out of him. He went back to his Range Rover, searching for his green duffel bag. Flipping it open, he removed a few various tools and made his way back. He knew the person in her car would still be hiding in there, trying to determine if it was safe to move or not. This was a beginner he was facing, the more professional ones would take their time, planning, watching and waiting. That didn't mean he didn't need to be careful; one amateur mistake and he would be doomed, and Aria with him.

He pulled the pin on the smoke grenade and tossed it through the still open door. A hissing sound followed, then the cab began to billow smoke out the door. He wouldn't have long before others arrived or the smoke dissipated so time was of the essence. He quietly opened the other rear door, making sure not to make a sound to alert the assassin. He knew they would be hiding in the floorboard of the backseat or the very back of the SUV. He assumed the first for easier access to Aria. He leaned in, quickly running his hands over the floor mats. His hands bumped into something made of cloth but kept looking. Clothes weren't normally made of canvas like material so he quickly searched the seats.

Coughing in the very back was like music to his ears and he jumped back there, trying to catch the person by surprise before any more rounds could be fired.

Aria was in hysterics when she saw Marcus's form dive into the back of her car. None of her stuff in her car was worth her life or his. She would have preferred to just leave without any of it. Marcus was thinking ahead though, eliminating the threat before it just came back or called in for backup. She didn't know how long she sat there, face plastered against the window praying for a sign he was okay. Curses rang out, followed by three gunshots. Her heart sank. She was convinced she wouldn't be able to survive without his help. If he was in trouble she may as well throw in the towel. With that thought in mind, she grabbed the keys and bolted out the car. As she neared her SUV, now speckled with bullet holes, the back hatch opened and the remaining clouds of smoke escaped, dissolving into the night air.

What seemed like hours later a shadow was visible, rising up from the back and stumbling out the open door. He fell onto the ground, groaning in pain, an apparent bullet wound in his shoulder. His clothes were quickly being saturated in blood. It wasn't until he looked up at her, eyes portraying pain and anger that Aria realized they were in real trouble. Marcus was alive, thankfully, but bleeding profusely out his shoulder.

She ran the few steps to get by his side and cried out, "Oh God, Marcus! You're hurt! Let me help you get to the car. I have a medical kit in mine."

She dug around in her car, pulled out her two bags and medical supplies and went back to Marcus. Going over to his good shoulder, she ducked under his arm and gently helped hoist him to his feet. He hissed in pain but otherwise said nothing.

"We can't stay here. Drive a bit until you see a good place to stop. The shot was an in-and-out so at least there's no bullet lodged as far as I think," Marcus said through gritted teeth.

-- --

Pulling into a local grocery store parking lot, away from the reach of cameras and witnesses, Aria put the car in park and unfastened her seat belt. This was going to prove more complicated than she thought, but without disinfecting the wound he would be prone to infection, which often times could prove more fatal than the wound itself. The bleeding was easing up some so that was the upside.

She grabbed the scissors and began cutting away at his shirt, the easiest way to see the damage without causing more harm. A measly tee shirt was the least of their problems right now. Pulling away the last of the fabric she was finally able to see the problem. He was right, it was a clean shot, in-and-out and luckily missed his collarbone and scapula (shoulder blade). Tiny bone fragments would have required going to the hospital, a luxury they just didn't have the option for. She grabbed some gauze and Q-tips and began applying the disinfectant.

Marcus sat in silence the entire time, not trusting himself to open his mouth. Once Aria scrubbed vigorously at the hole and was satisfied it was clean, the fresh skin exposed started to bleed again. She was fine with that, at least it was clean. She got out her stitching needle and thread and warned him it was going to sting. While she began stitching, Marcus debated on how she could have gotten herself into a mess like this. That was no cop back there, he was sure of that. She didn't seem like the type to make enemies, especially the kind associated with putting hits on people. That man was just the first of many, that much he knew.

"There, all done," Aria commented. He had gotten lucky only having that flesh would. She would have to keep an eye out, make sure the stitches stayed and he didn't run a fever but he would be fine.

"Thanks," Marcus replied, "Guess it's a good thing Nurse Aria was handy."

She blushed at his statement, flattered she came in handy after all. Marcus said he owned some property along the Gulf and allowed her to drive the first of their journey on the condition she explained herself. She knew she owed him that much and agreed.

-- --

Marcus listened intently as she explained about her ex; how they broke up, the visit with Jason, and finally Gregory Mason. The hairs stood on the back of his neck at the mention of his name. He was familiar with the man on a level he wasn't proud of, but he wouldn't let Mason get his grubby hands on Aria.

He spared a glance over at the woman. She was deep in concentration, focusing on the road ahead. Her eyes were creased with worry, a frown on her face. She looked like a lost child, scared and alone. He reached his good hand over to her lap, squeezing gently on her leg, a silent promise to face this battle with her head on. She looked up at him, a timid smile on her face and tears in her eyes, and Marcus vowed to go to the ends of this world to protect this woman, his woman.

It would be about a thirteen hour drive from his home in Oklahoma down to his beach house by the ocean, but they would be safest there. He was weary of this ex of hers, the same ex she explained who got them arrested. He wasn't going to give her up easily but he had blown his chance at a life with her. Colin would have resources, but Mason was the real threat. He knew how Mason worked, the type of men who would be after them. If his men were after her, there was nobody more qualified to protect her. After all, who better to protect Aria from hitmen than an actual hitman himself?


Okay, so here it is! Another new chapter, making it three in two days! I think that qualifies me for some votes/fans/comments!

I'll post the next chapter when I see some feedback and votes.

What do you all think about Marcus now?!

XO Carly

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