Chapter 17- Another Place to Hide

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Nate arrived back to the beach house that evening. By then, Aria had herself worked up to a near panic attack. She knew they needed to get out of there that night, but she didn't want to leave! How long would they have to keep running before their luck ran out?

"Aria?" Nate questioned quietly. "Are you alright?"

"What do you think? Kidnappers aside, I get my morning sickness fixed just to have to deal with these damn hormones! I've never cried so much in my life! Or peed! I swear I pee every five seconds! I don't know where we plan on going to, but there better be food on the way, I'm starving!" she rambled.

Wow, Marcus wasn't kidding when he said she was a mess today. How in the hell was he supposed to react without ending up six feet under?

"Is this about shooting that guy?"

"What? No! I understand it was him or me," she insisted.

"Okay," he said dragging out the word, "Are you packed? We should get a move on."

"No I'm not packed!" she shouted. Apparently he had said something wrong, but for the life of him didn't know what. Nate had dealt with crazy before, but never pregnant; he was way out of his element.

"How about I help you pack? We need to hurry up and hit the road and you've gotta go tell Marcus bye."

"Alright, alright," she conceded. "Wait, what? Why would I need to tell him bye?"

Now was the time she was really going to freak out. Nate looked around for anything that could be used as a weapon before continuing. He didn't want to risk a stiletto to the eye.

"Marcus isn't going to be joining us. He has things to take care of first. We are going to be staying at the business loft. There's an open apartment there you can stay in. Nobody knows where it's at and I'd be able to keep you safe there. It's fully stocked with weapons, food and a security system," he said.

"Like hell!" Aria hollered before shouldering past him and storming through the house. "Marcus! Marcus show yourself right now you asshole!"

Marcus heard her screaming from across the house and knew Nate had broken her the news. He didn't want to leave her, but they needed to be able to breathe again and this was the only solution Marcus saw. He finished zipping up his suitcase and carried it to the front door.

Aria was stood there, tapping her foot against the ground expectantly.

"Mind telling me why you're not coming with us?" she asked angrily.

"All you need to know is I'm trying to keep you safe."

"Right... and that means what exactly?" she questioned.

"Aria, I love you and I don't want this either, alright? I want you to stay with Nate for a while. Listen to him for me, okay? I'll be back as soon as I can," he assured her.

She calmed down significantly at his words, he loved her! She couldn't let that distract her, she needed to hear the answer she knew was coming.

"Where, Marcus?"

Not exactly the response he was looking for after that confession, but he knew she probably hadn't comprehended it yet.

"I'm going to deal with Mason."

-- --

"Why didn't I say it back, Nate?! He could die out there!" Aria ranted.

She had worried herself sick, not over herself, but over Marcus leaving to fight her battles. He could very easily end up hurt, or worse!

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