Chapter 20- Getting Down to Business

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"I'm Nixon," the spy introduced himself to Aria as they sat waiting in the lobby of the Emergency Room.

Aria stared down at his outstretched hand with an eyebrow raised. Was he seriously doing this right now? Sure, he had helped save her, but it was hardly the time! She had much bigger things to worry about at the moment- like Nate in critical condition back in surgery.

They'd been impatiently waiting for news on his condition for over two hours now, but not one employee in the whole damn hospital had even bothered to glance down at them. How long did it take for someone, anyone, to say if he was at least still alive?

Nixon took her silence as disinterest (which in a way it was) and lowered his hand in defeat. He resembled a pouty toddler and Aria was struck with guilt, at least a small part of her.

"Nice to meet you, but you already know who I am."

It was clipped and to the point, but it was all she could offer. What if Nate died because of this? Even if he pulled through, he would have to be hospitalized a few days for recovery. What was she supposed to do during that time? It's not like she could just sit around at the hospital and wait on them to find her.

She needed Marcus.

"I'll be back. Stay here and wait for word on Nate- Come get me as soon as you hear something."

Nixon nodded the affirmative and she relaxed slightly knowing he would. Their first encounter wasn't ideal, but he had shown so far he could be trusted and she was relieved to not be completely alone right now. Aria knew calling Marcus would risk exposure, but he deserved to know; Nate was his cousin after all.

"Aria, why are you calling? I thought Nate took your phone."

"Marcus, we were attacked. Nates been stabbed-"

"He what?!What happened? Are you guys alright? Where are you?" Marcus interrupted firing off questions left and right.

She knew it wouldn't be wise to answer most of those questions, so she stuck with the bare minimum of details. She told him about Nate getting groceries, the spy and their show-down in the living room, but over an unsecured line she wouldn't give away his whereabouts, so hopefully he could assume.

"So you don't know if he's okay?"

Aria sighed, sorry she didn't have more answers for him and whispered, "No."


Marcus drug a shaky hand through his hair, his anxiety nearly debilitating him. This had gone too far. His cousin was innocent in all of this! Taking the time to inhale deeply, he pondered his options.

Go back to Aria and continue a life on the run?

Bring her with him, probably putting her in more danger?

Or trust the spy; this Nixon character to protect her while he dealt with Mason once and for all?

All three choices had major downfalls, but the last one offered the smallest threat to Aria and his unborn child. He had already determined roughly how many guards were assigned to Mason's compound and personal residence, what time their shifts changed and when Mason was expected at each one. The compound would be much harder to infiltrate, but the layout of the house would prove complicated as well.

"Go back to the house. The shooting range serves as a saferoom as well. Pack food and clothes, anything important. Lock it up and wait for my call. There are security cameras inside to see what's going on in the house," Marcus ordered.


"And Aria? I'm trusting Nixon with your life. He won't like the outcome if he fails. I love you," with that Marcus disconnected the call, leaving her to get to safety and mull over his last sentence.


Nate's house was destroyed, littered with evidence of the day's turmoil, making both Aria and Nixon sick to their stomachs. The had together carried Nate just outside immediately after her call to 911, so by the time paramedics had arrived they wouldn't have to step foot inside and see the devastation.

Nixon had told EMS Nate had been at a party and they found him unconscious on the floor bleeding out. It kept the police off their tail for now, thinking the attack happened at the party and to search there. Now they were left with this mess and no time to clean it up. It would be horrible in a few days once the bodies began to decompose and the stench was unbearable but what voice did they really have? Aria just hoped this was all over soon. Her sensitive nose and stomach couldn't take much more.

Nixon quickly stepped around the array of bodies and retrieved the groceries Nate had purchased and sorted through what was still edible, packing anything he could find. Aria wasted no time throwing necessities together; clothes, toothbrushes, toilet paper; even some of Nate's clothes for Nixon to use (much to his appreciation). Once they were satisfied they had what they needed, roughly twenty minutes had gone by. Together they carried it down to the saferoom where they secured the doors.

All that was left to do was wait.


Marcus knew time was running out and he would have to make his move fast. He was at a major disadvantage going in solo against all those men, but there was no time to wait for reinforcements to drive all the way there, assuming they weren't already on a mission. Tonight he would strike. Mason was supposed to be at his house tonight, which meant seven to nine guards, dogs, security cameras and motion lights spaced out on the lawn. He had personally installed the latter two for Mason personally, so they wouldn't be an issue to hack. It was the rest he worried about with the odds not being on his side.

Armed with his fully automatic silenced G-18 with an 18 round clip, his Kahr P45 pistol, a UMP-45 fully automatic sub-compact machine gun with a holographic sight, two EMP grenades to disable all electronics, his father's old Bowie knife he never left home without (strapped to his leg) and an ACR with a red dot sight and suppressor he was ready. He tossed in a couple flash bangs and smoke grenades for good measure and waited, carefully going over his plan of attack.

In a few short hours, him or Mason would be dead. He was counting on the latter.


Okay guys, I know this one is shorter than most I've put up, but I wanted to stop there to prepare for the next chapter where Marcus goes in! I hope you liked it! (Sorry for any typos!)

XO- Carly

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