Chapter 22- Luck Running Out

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Marcus knew it was only a matter of time before Mason's men found him and it would be 'game over' for him, so time was of the essence. He'd already taken the two guards outside out of the equation, but there were six more including Mason left; all armed and dangerous wanting to do nothing more than kill him. He'd been careful to keep himself plastered against the wall and out of the security cameras view, but after he'd shot the second guard, the body fell directly into their view and alerted the brigade of danger.

But as determined as they might've been to save their boss, he was even more so. It wasn't just his life on the line anymore. He had Aria and their child to consider. On top of that, he had a lecture to give Nate once he recovered.

With that in mind, he launched the smoke grenade through the nearest downstairs window, shattering the glass and a dark cloud fogged up the room, making visibility virtually zero. It wouldn't kill the men or hide him forever, but it would give him enough time to get inside without being spotted by any of the men.

Marcus jumped into the room, disappearing into the chaos as carefully as he could, but still managed to slice his thigh on the remaining glass around the window. It wasn't a fatal wound, but the blood would alert the men where he had came in and about where he was going. Even worse than that, it would leave behind his DNA for police to discover, though he wasn't sure they would be called to a drug dealers mansion.

'Just another mess to deal with,' he thought to himself as he felt his way along the walls for the doorway.

A set of footsteps pounded down the hall to where the smoke billowed out from under the door and Marcus grabbed his G-18; the silenced pistol, ready to take out another target. He had learned a long time ago to tell himself they weren't people, merely 'targets' or 'marks.' In the beginning, it was the only thing that justified what he did for a living; but now, he couldn't care less who they were as long as they died.

"Fire!" the man shouted just outside the door. "We've got a fire down here!"

The idiot didn't even consider it wasn't an actual fire causing the smoke. Worst yet, he barged through the door to see how bad the so-called 'fire' had gotten without even checking for Marcus hiding just on the other side.

The man coughed and sputtered out the smoke as it filled his lungs and watered his eyes. Marcus was use to the side-effects of such grenades by now, and barely noticed it as he jumped up from his corner and grabbed the man from behind. His hands gripped the guard's head on both sides and with one quick twist, snapped his neck. He left the man to fall on the floor as he quickly shut the door before all the smoke escaped and ran to the room across the hall.

Seconds later, two sets of footsteps barreled towards the smoking room and the door was kicked open. Once their eyes focused through the remaining smoke, they immediately spotted their friend dead on the tile.

"Fuck!" one of the men cursed, knowing Marcus had gotten into the house already.

Marcus grinned from the other room, satisfied the two were frightened, angry. They should be. They had a world of hurt coming for them. He knew by now, all of them probable knew he was inside, so he grabbed his ACR with the red dot and suppressor. From the short distance he wouldn't really need the sight, but the extra power the gun provided compared to his pistol would be beneficial; plus the fact that it was a fully-automatic.

He swiftly jerked open the door, relieved slightly to see their backs were turned to him and took fire to one of the men. The other dove for cover behind the wall of the other room. Blood sprayed across the wall from the impact and the guard fell to the ground to live his last few seconds regretting crossing Marcus's path.

It took no time for the second man, the one who'd hid, to start returning fire. He stuck his gun out from the edge of the door jam and swept it in all directions while shooting in what Marcus called a 'spray-and-pray.' In other words, shoot it aimlessly, spraying bullets everywhere and pray you hit something. It was a commonly used technique when cornered, but usually resulted in quickly losing ammo.

Marcus threw himself back into the room across the hall, also hiding behind the wall. The man continued to shoot erratically, actually managing to penetrate the wall Marcus hid behind, sending bullets whizzing just past his head and sheetrock crumbling down on top of him. Marcus tried desperately but failed to hold in the string of curse words as one of the rounds flew into his side, shattering at least one rib and ripping a hole straight through and on out of his body.

The blood rushed out his side at a steady pace, pooling on the ground why where he sat huddled. If he didn't get this stopped soon he would never make it out of the room, much less back home. Using his Bowie knife, he cut a piece of his tee-shirt away and used it as best he could to tie around his midsection to staunch the blood flow. It wouldn't stop it completely, but hopefully would suffice until he got out of this mess.

The guard heard his anguish and assumed he had been fatally wounded. He got up from his position and snuck down the hall, coming up to the door Marcus sat at. He didn't have time to pull up his gun before the guy peeked around the corner spotting him bleeding about fifteen feet away so using the Bowie knife at his side, threw it at the man with as much precision as he could muster. The guy fired off a round before the knife sliced through his shoulder and stuck in the wall behind him. His shot missed Marcus easily, lodging into the ceiling. While the man reached up on instinct to cover the cut Marcus's knife had made, Marcus had just enough time to grab his ACR and finish the man. Like the ones before, it was a gory sight, causing massive damage but saving Marcus's life once gain.

He'd gotten lucky once more, only having one bullet hole through his side rather than his head. He could live with that, but he still had two guards to go then Mason and Marcus had a feeling he wouldn't be so lucky next time.




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Oh! DG is coming to an end in the next few chapters :( I DO plan on making a sequel, no worries! There will still be too many questions needing answered, but before I give you any hints, I'm asking for votes and comments- suggestions, typos, praises, I don't care! I just would like to hear back from everyone reading it!


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