Chapter 8- Makes Goosebumps Books Sound Like Nursery Rhymes

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Pulling over at a run-down gas station in the middle of nowhere, the duo had been on the road a couple hours but were already running low on energy and adrenaline. Aria was beyond tired, after working a twelve hour shift just to come home and be nearly killed, all she wanted to do was pee, eat and crash on the nearest bed, in that order. Marcus was lethargic due to the pain radiating off his shoulder down his back in addition to the blood loss and knew they would have to stop to rest very soon.

Dragging their feet walking into the gas station, they were both happy to see it was vacant of customers. Only the balding overweight cashier stood in the dank store and even as the bell dinged, letting him know there was company, he didn't bother opening his eyes. Must have had a wild night with the hotties, she thought sarcastically. It was a good thing she was an honest person or she could rob the place blind before the next shift change. Not that he seemed like the type to care. His only worry was probably what to wear to work that day, coveralls or wife beaters.

They took turns in the dingy bathroom, littered with toilet paper and who knows what sort of super bacteria waiting to pounce. Grabbing a few snacks and miscellaneous items for the drive, Marcus cleared his throat loudly, forcing the sales clerk to wake up and ring up their items. Paying and walking out of the station, they each agreed to find a fast food joint for a bite to eat and then finally a motel for some sleep.

Food was hard to come by in this small town, but after searching forever, they finally came across a McDonald's adjacent to a motel that eerily resembled The Bates Motel. The food was stale and tasted of what Aria would imagine could only be deodorant and would probably give them both food poisoning later but it got the job done so they didn't complain, just choked down their food in comfortable silence.

The motel was a completely different story. Broken blinds hung on the only window in their room, stains lined the walls and floor and at one point Aria could've sworn she saw a rat run under the dresser. The place was a flat out shit hole to put it nicely. She imagined the bed sheets had a wide variety of creepy-crawlers that would make a Goosebumps book look like a nursery rhyme; cockroaches, lice, bed bugs, mites; she cringed at the thought of laying down on that excuse they called a bed.

Marcus was even less impressed. It wasn't the measly forty dollars he paid for the room, but rather Aria would have to sleep here. He was ashamed the first night they spent sober together would be in a room that probably had countless murders, prostitutes and STD's. This was not how he pictured things going. Don't get him wrong, in a town like this he wasn't expecting a Hilton, but anything could be better than this hell.

"I'm sorry about this, Aria. You shouldn't have to sleep in a place like this," Marcus said wearily. He just hoped she wasn't under the impression places like this were all he would be able to provide her with.

"Marcus, I have felons coming after me to do God knows what, am dragging you under with me and YOU apologize? No! Don't be sorry for this place. If it wasn't for you I wouldn't have even made it this far. I'm the one that's sorry. I just owe you more and more every time I see you," Aria mumbled.

She was so use to be independent, not counting on anyone for anything but a paycheck and that she more than deserved by the end of the week. Now, she's been reduced to this sniffling, scared woman who relies on an almost stranger to even stay alive. All because of an ex boyfriend. This, ladies and gentlemen, is why Aria doesn't do relationships. Maybe that was an exaggeration, not all ex's will land you on a drug lord's Most Wanted list, but damn it! She didn't ask for any of this!

Tears sprang to her eyes thinking about the trouble she'd gotten herself into and the hassle she was making Marcus deal with. His life was at stake too, all thanks to her. She would never forgive herself if something happened to him because of this.

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